
By toolateabuckshort - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff

Today, I found my high school crush on Facebook. He asked me out. Too bad he's fat and bald now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 702
You deserved it 2 402

Top comments

And I am sure you haven't changed since high school.


I hit "YDI" just because of the last statement.

It's a high school crush. What, you were expecting True Love?

And I am sure you haven't changed since high school.

Actually, I did! Much more confident now! Definitely would have acted on my feelings.

Shallow with a side order of ditzy. I'd say he dodged a bullet.

Actually I was valedictorian, and a very awkward one at that. Hence the immense shyness that brought upon this FML!

You can be book smart and still ditzy, self-proclaimed-smart-one.

Intelligence is hard to define. You can be smart in one area and incompetent in another, but I can certainly see that your so-called intelligence blinds you, because apparently his personality must not matter. By the way, I thought I'd give you a little advice: It's not 'what' you know, it's 'who' you know that matters.

Can't wait to see the triggered perfectionist that you are.

ImminentDisaster 12

The text on this won't show for me

mariri9206 32

"Today, I found my high school crush on Facebook. He asked me out. Too bad he's fat and bald now. FML."

So he's finally noticed you but it's too late because you obviously only liked him for his looks apparently.

I was only 13. I guess you were incredibly deep and only all about personality when you were a very shy teenager, admiring from afar? C'mon.

I was 13, and could barely form a sentence without turning purple. It wasn't a deep relationship to begin with.

You're an adult now, though, and still seem like you're full of shit.

By the way, if that picture is you? You're not exactly a catch yourself.

mariri9206 32

And you've, apparently, become a vapid and shallow jerk. Maybe you should put his looks aside, go on a date, and see if you have any chemistry.

I had moved 380 miles away. It was 20 years later. EOS

come on people, don't act all high and mighty etc. I'm not shallow but I definitely have to have some sort of attraction to someone before I even think of going on a date and I know y'all do, too. it's majority personality, but if there's no attraction it won't last.

Being someone's former crush is more than implied attraction. Suddenly losing interest in that crush because of a change in appearance is the very definition of shallow.

it's not shallow it's what you're attracted to. obviously she doesn't find this person attractive. I had an ex who was 200 ish pounds and got up to about 515 throughout our relationship. I was no longer attracted to him. granted that's not why I ended it but you get the point.

Exactly. All of a sudden these newly self-righteous people would totally go after their fat bald crush now.....

shea627 20

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