Support system

By daddylove - 12/06/2011 04:21 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 6 months broke up with me. I was crying for over an hour in my room. My dad came in and asked what was wrong. Just as I was about to tell him, he stops me and simply says, "Oh, honey. I don't care… Just keep the noise down." Then walks out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 427
You deserved it 6 925

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you probably cry constantly about everything so even when he is concerned he thinks better of getting involved


Remember this, as well as the rest of the times your Dad is a knob-slobbering douchebag towards you over the next few decades, when it's time to put his incontinent dementia-riddled ass in a nursing home.

#138 or something like that. I proposed to my boyfrend after 6 month of being together, I was still in high school. 3 years after, we are still together and plan to get married as soon as I'm done with university. So not all relatinships should be judged the same way. Not gay ones at least. :)

Haha that's ****** up but really funny. seriously it's just a relationship.. get over it

jellydear 0

I'm sorry. This was funny. FYL.

steelersfan3250 0
xDeadly_Moonx 0
BadSuerte 0

that's just wrong on so many levels....what a douche bag he is.

dmoantwan 0

I think you should go gay, because it's obvious you're not great with males of any relation.

You were crying an hour over a 6 month relationship seriously? Have some chutzpah.