Surprise, MFer!

By dude i am so sorry - 19/09/2016 19:54 - United States - Richmond

Today, I found out what happens when you sleep with a girl your chemistry major friend likes. He put silver nitrate in my body wash and shampoo. I look like I survived an explosion in a Sharpie factory. He says it'll come off "in a few days". FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 369
You deserved it 4 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ugh. That's just being an irresponsible chemist, and an abuse of knowledge. Small amounts of silver nitrate are an annoyance, but every chemical has its dangers.

askullnamedbilly 33

Well, OP, I'd say the prank wars have just begun. Get him back, and may the odds be ever in your favor.


Rayth 19

What happened to taking things over?

You guys are taking things a bit far in the comment section. It was meant as a prank, even if it is a terrible one.This is his friend, and most likely he knew before talking to the lady that his friend liked her. I doubt the friend wants to do any permanent damage, and was just a little annoyed at the someone they like getting with one of their feiends

It's a matter of the fact that the friend reacted so severely. According to the other chemists in here, that substance is potentially very harmful, and this "friend," as a chemistry major, would had to have known that. Yes, it's kind of messed up to sleep with someone your friend likes, but doing something that could cause long-term damage to someone who did that is neither mature nor socially acceptable.

Lenaisabitch 2

That's actually pretty dangerous and could have lasting effects.

Fill his shampoo with hair removal cream.

Don't be a dick then... That was a horrible thing to do to a "friend"

not op's fault that his friend doesnt have game. he should have made a move instead of getting pissy when someone else did. some chemist he is, couldnt even whip up a love potion, what a goof

If you like someone, it is up to you to have some courage and actually do something about it. You don't get to claim another person just because you have feelings for them. And you don't get to be mad when your stalling and lack of action causes you to miss your chance. That actually screams unstable, controlling, and possessive. Unless you're clearly in a relationship with someone, other people can do whatever they want with who ever want.

The ladies love precious metals. Tell them you're now literally covered in jewelry.

Everyone's freaking out about how he could've been seriously burned by the chemical or had a permanent stain. You're forgetting his friend is a CHEMISTRY MAJOR, which means he can easily figure out how much to put in his shampoo without causing burns or permanent staining. Not to mention, you can BUY silver nitrate online, it doesn't mean he stole it.

One_In_Three 24

This is why you don't **** around with nerds.

It's still not an okay reaction, though. He didn't need to stoop to being childish about it; he could have just talked to OP and said "hey, you knew I liked her. Wtf?"

Actually, unless the roomie is ALSO OPs doctor, he does not have all the necessary knowledge to make sure that it was a safe application.

snarkytruth 37

#31 You sure put a lot of stock in the word "Major". It really doesn't mean squat. For all we know it could be his first year or his first semester or even his first week. Declaring a major certainly doesn't automatically make him any good at it either. Plenty of majors fail and wash out. he's still just a student. (an immature and irresponsible one at that) And there are no studies that calculate prank dosages only LD50 50 or toxic levels or various major side effect doses effecting major organ failure. Those are based on averages anyway there's no telling where OP falls in any of those ranges. As a college student much less a chemistry major he needs to have more respect for the materials he's working with no matter what they are. He needs to grow up.

I think that even though he shouldn't have done this, you can't blame him for being a bit pissed off because op had sex with the girl that op knew his friend had a crush on.