Surprise, MFer!

By dude i am so sorry - 19/09/2016 19:54 - United States - Richmond

Today, I found out what happens when you sleep with a girl your chemistry major friend likes. He put silver nitrate in my body wash and shampoo. I look like I survived an explosion in a Sharpie factory. He says it'll come off "in a few days". FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 369
You deserved it 4 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ugh. That's just being an irresponsible chemist, and an abuse of knowledge. Small amounts of silver nitrate are an annoyance, but every chemical has its dangers.

askullnamedbilly 33

Well, OP, I'd say the prank wars have just begun. Get him back, and may the odds be ever in your favor.


I'm pretty sure silver nitrate is expensive af. Your friend must have been super pissed at you.

Apparently you all seem to forget the OP was the original bad friend when he slept with a girl he knew his mate liked

Or a girl he liked? Is only one friend allowed to like someone at a time? And why do none of you care about the person of interests feelings? She could really like op, but because some creepy ass possessive ****** she might not like at all she should be turned down? Even if op also has feelings for her?

You totally deserved that, you're a garbo friend

I mean, if you knew that he liked her beforehand than that's a jerk move on your part & I would have to say that you deserve it. If you didn't and he informed you after you slept with her, then it's not your fault and you definitely don't deserve to look like you suffered through an explosion at a sharpie factory. I'm not going to lie this is hilarious either way though.

Silver nitrate. That could have been terribly dangerous.

Silver nitrate and water is what is used to cauterize wounds, in quantity you would have severe chemical burns right now (coming from somebody who has had their nose and hand cauterized, it is not fun).

I would report this to the person in charge at your school and/or the chemistry teacher. This could have been a lot worse off than it was and is an abuse of knowledge and chemicals. I get it sucks for him from his point of view, but this was a dangerous way to react.

paige_g2013 16

Yikes. Sorry op! I can understand him being frustrated with you for that (I've had my fair share of friends sleep with guys I liked) but we were able to settle it as adults with conversation. Hopefully for your sake it does come off soon! I think he took that WAY too far.