
By Anonymous - 12/02/2011 18:40 - United States

Today, I went in to the doctor's thinking I had a bladder infection. I walked out knowing I'm pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 345
You deserved it 16 689

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, in a few more months you'll probably have that bladder infection too.


so you're saying giving life to another person is an FML? wow...

So you're saying that every women must be forced to give life to another person? Wow...

I guess you're one of those pro lifers that are for abortions of innocent babies #87.

mjismyidol 0

congrats!! aren't u happy about it?

samadams42 0

well now u have a child and should be happy

oh that's too bad... wait what? stop sleeping around bitch! well you should be one because you think a baby is an FML

you know how to fix the first mistake throw the second one down some stairs

samantha0911 0

Congrats!! this shouldn't be a FML/: Be happyy girl!

My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for almost a year. **** you, you selfish bitch.

#72, you don't deserve to have a kid if you're going to react like this. Sounds like you're the one who is selfish, thinking that you're the only person who matters in the world. How do you know this person didn't take every precaution to prevent this incident from happening, and that's why they're upset? **** anyone's life if they have an unplanned pregnancy, it's not good for the person involved, nor the kid if it's even born.

So, 72, if you can't have a child, it means that other people must end up with unwanted babies? Please proceed to look into the mirror, then you will see who the true bitch is. Also, for people who say that she should give the baby away for adoption: try ending up with a parasite in your body, carrying it for 9 months, then giving birth to it (in pain), then getting rid of it much to the relatives' and acquaintances' dismay. Harsh? Yes. But that's how people who don't want pregnancy think about it.

monnanon 13

#72 Unless OP is calling the child she is carrying for you an FML then you have no right to flip out. OP never said that she didnt want the baby or that she was getting rid, the FML could simply be there because OP never expected to be pregnant when she went to the doctor. In that situation a pregnancy is bound to be and fml for a little while. Maybe she had lots of things planned that she will now have to postpone if she chooses to have the child.

rlTlk 13

85- You're the true parasite on society if think a child is a parasite. Just because someone is too selfish not wanting to give up their current lifestyle to raise their own flesh and blood who they should love above themselves does not make the child the parasite. It makes the child a victim to todays self centered, self destructive, all me, no responsibility, couldn't give a shit mentality. You believe it is a persons right to kill off and get rid of anything that may hinder that decadence? You must have no problem with mass genocide in order to take the resources of others then as well, as it is equivalent.

110, what. The. ****. So you say that a person should love their offspring more than themself? Or that they should sacrifice their life and interests for the sake of their kids? I think I know where most of the super obnoxious woe-is-mom creatures come from. I guess I'll go back to my self centered, self destructive, all me (or rather, all us), no responsibility, couldn't give a shit boyfriend and together we'll celebrate the Valentine's Day. You can go on and rant about how much or a sanctimonious bitch and a serial killer I am, little Miss Baby Crusader.

For those of you getting down on #72. My initial reaction was identical to hers. Why? because in 12 months of trying I've lost two babies and my heart is broken. And every day I see people complaining about having children and treating their children like crap when all I want is a baby and all I want is to be a mum. Unless you know the heartache of losing a child or not being able to have just honest and truly don't understand....I understand that for some people the last thing they want is a child but when you are in my/our position, all you can think of is how unfair it is that people who don't want their kids are able to have them just like my opinion, this is anything BUT an fml....because I would be rejoicing if I was the OP. Clearly to the OP it IS an fml but for people like myself and #75 its quite hard to digest that....

Minx663, let me tell you something. I am someone who doesn't have many money. If I see something very pretty whilst shopping, I simply can't afford it if it's not on sale. Normaly, I don't think much about it, it's the way it is and I can live with it. But sometimes I see teens, 5 years younger than me, shopping and talking to each other, like: "I don't like this T-shirt that much, probably I'm going to wear it only once. But I'm still going to buy it. That makes 120 euros that I've spend today!!" Then I'm pissed. Frustrated. Jealous. Buy you know what? I am not going to talk bad to them, call them bitches who don't know the value of money, simply because they are financial more lucky than me. Life is unfair, deal with it. I know that money has less value than offspring, but it's just an example to show you that jealousy isn't going to solve anything. You can't expect that every women who is unwanted pregnant is happy with it. You even can't blame them to abort/adopt. It's frustrated, yes, but they have their own lives. I hope that you will have a healthy baby soon, though.

rlTlk 13

@85- Yes, a parent should put the welfare of their children above their own, if there's anything worthy of that kind of love it is a persons own child. but oh no they might have to be responsible, "if I don't kill my kid I wont get to see Paris when I want to" god forbid they miss out on one dollar or reckless experience they think they could have without their child. Kids do not wreck lives, they improve them by giving them meaning and love. I think that is one of the main purposes of life, to raise a family. You can still have a life of your own and they are not as expensive as media portrays. But we are taught from the time we are young that if you get pregnant your life will be over. It's all part of the propaganda to control the population by keeping people in fear. It also doesn't matter if they were using protection and everything else possible to keep from getting pregnant, sex= baby. That's, again, like trying to take whatever you want but get out of anything that results, "I just want to have sex without having a kid you can't blame me for getting pregnant, it's not my fault, I didn't want this kid so I should have the right to kill them so I can go on with my ways". Don't get me wrong I'm all for BC and being ready when you have a kid, but if you get pregnant when you "weren't expecting it" what gives you the right to KILL a BABY just cuz it Might inconvenience you. Yea I think that it is something to rant about, be outraged about. I really couldn't care if it annoys anyone to hear it. I don't see how anyone could not be horrified and be unable to sit quiet, let alone agree with it, but I suppose human greed and corruption knows no bounds.

rlTlk, you are redonkulous. Seriously. You really think that unless you have a child, you don't know true love? Well I've got to disappoint you - I have a wonderful fiance, whose well-being I put above my own (as in, I'd easily agree for a heart transplant if he needed it). And I decided that no other person will deserve that from me, period. Also, if for you sex = baby, I feel really sorry for your partner. Because for me (and the evil childhating likes of me) sex = a way to bond with your significant other one, and a way to share feelings, too; no diapers and breastfeeding required. Oh yeah, and it's a woman's choice to decide what to do with their womb and with their life, by the way. If they want to see Paris and not have the baby, they have the right to get an abortion and go buy their damn plane tickets. And I bet that they won't hear your angry pro-life rant anyway.

#116 Well, then look from OP's point of view. Some people don't want children (be it because they can't take care of it or simply don't want it). In their situation pregnancy IS a FML.

#122 Did it ever occur to you that some people don't want kids. Just. That. Simple. No wish to have them. Not a priority. And not because they would cost a lot or any of that crap but they simply have no wish for them. I think people should look for reason to have kids and not for reasons not to have them. And I see no good reason why I should have some. Besides, the world is overpopulated as it is.

dynky 3

Why is it that everybody automatically assumes that she wasn't using protection? Yeah, fyl (I'm guessing that if you were happy about it you wouldn't have posted it here).