By Anonymous - 25/02/2017 21:45 - Canada

Today, I had to explain to a customer that she couldn't use the bathroom while going through the drive-thru. I still don't understand what exactly she had in mind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 812
You deserved it 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fiakealii 1

...did she maybe mean that she wanted to run in and use the restroom after ordering through the drive through?

She wanted to piss in a cup and let you take care of it


Fiakealii 1

...did she maybe mean that she wanted to run in and use the restroom after ordering through the drive through?

My thought exactly, she were probably just uncertain wheter she was allowed to or not considering most restaurants only allow customers to use their restroom.

Who are you to say she can't pee or poop in her own car?

She wanted to piss in a cup and let you take care of it

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha too Funny.

Goblin182 26

Wait, are you saying that she wanted to get out of her car, come into the store, leaving her car in the drive thru line while she used the restroom holding up everyone in the line?

Mooglefox 23

I be like, "Miss, you may go to the bathroom, but you have to do it in your own car."

Jacobus_G 3

were the doors locked because it was late maybe she wanted you to open the door so you could come into the restaurant and use the bathroom