
By theboy6494 - 10/08/2009 20:47 - United States

Today, I came home early from business trip to Paris, where I bought an engagement ring. I was going to take my girlfriend of two years out and propose to her. I sneaked into our house as a surprise and… she was having sex with another man. Now I have a ring that I can only return in France. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 462
You deserved it 4 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

keep it! save it for a girl who's worth it. :)


lmmmr 0

That was the worst reversal FML I have ever seen.

illshutup 0

That sucks!! Just give it to your next girlfriend (who's worthy of that right, of course) and marry her. OR sell it on eBay, Craiglist, or a gold buyer. :/

magicsparrow 0

Guys, he will not get 100% if he sells it to the jeweler. He'd be lucky to get 75%. He should NOT save it for another girl, that's horrible, b/c the ring was purchased with emotion. The best solution is when you are ready to make another commitment like that, exchange that ring for another one. Jewelers will give you near its original price, so you can give your next gf a ring around the same price (aka good quality). Jewelers don't enjoy having jewelry sitting around, which is why exchanges are the best for them and for you. In addition, depending on the quality of the ring, if where it was mined dries up, the value of the ring can skyrocket (see Tanzanite. Not everyone gets diamonds). So, just be patient and lock the ring away, unless you really can get near asking price from Ebay or Craigslist. Sorry to hear about the situation...

So much ignorance and egotism... How revealling that the OP is worried about getting his $$ back. No sorrow for love lost here... Keep the ring. When you find the 'real' Mrs. right, tell her about the ex-b!otch and the ring. Take the ring to a good jeweler. Have the stone mounted in a new setting (ring) that the new gal picks out. Sell the jeweler the old setting (to pay for the new one). If the OP really wanted to get back at the cheating b!otch, he could propose to her. Let her go thru all the planning of a wedding. Only put down refundable deposits. Then call it off at the last possible moment, preferably in front of her family, announcing he can't get over what a ***** she is.

I don't think the money he spent on a ring he can only return in Paris is his main concern, I think it's more of an "insult to injury" kind of thing. I like your idea for his revenge though. As Spike Milligan says "Revenge is sweet, but not fattening.".

CountDuk 5

I sense a fake one... I feel as though I've heard like 300 of these in the last week. Nit so much the Paris part but the coming back from a trip and finding your gf/bf/fiancée having sex with someone else.

hahaohwell 0

naw dont return it sweep someone off their feet with this story

kick that bitch out on the street she have to live like the ***** she is