
By theboy6494 - 10/08/2009 20:47 - United States

Today, I came home early from business trip to Paris, where I bought an engagement ring. I was going to take my girlfriend of two years out and propose to her. I sneaked into our house as a surprise and… she was having sex with another man. Now I have a ring that I can only return in France. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 462
You deserved it 4 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

keep it! save it for a girl who's worth it. :)


It costs 10k to have someone knocked off, if one were so inclined.

shawnnymack 2

What in the hell is wrong with the people that say he deserved this!?!?!?!?

the ONLY thing I can even remotely think is they needed the YDI badge. either that or they're aholes who think it was his fault for buying the ring in another country

foreveryoungever 2

Awe im really sorry about that. Well it's her loss, she will never find another guy like you:)

rain_or_shine 8

That's terrible, but at least you found out before you got married. Kep the ring for when you find another woman that won't be like that!!!

Why do you sound more upset about returning the ring than your gf cheating? Seems like that might be a big reason of why you are single.

MidnightMusic53 37

He's not more upset about the ring. He's just not quite sure what to do now. Two years of his life have been wasted on this cheating bitch, and now he's stuck with a ring he can't even return. Who wouldn't be upset? He's probably not sure if he should keep the ring or try to return it because if you read some of the comments, you can see some girls wouldn't be happy to get the ring, while others would.

Sell it on EBay. I don't know how another girl would feel about wearing a ring that was meant for someone else. It feel kind of weird to me honestly.