
By theboy6494 - 10/08/2009 20:47 - United States

Today, I came home early from business trip to Paris, where I bought an engagement ring. I was going to take my girlfriend of two years out and propose to her. I sneaked into our house as a surprise and… she was having sex with another man. Now I have a ring that I can only return in France. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 462
You deserved it 4 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

keep it! save it for a girl who's worth it. :)


mirandaanda22 3

save it for the perfect girl! just dont mention it was originally for another woman, she mite be a lil angry/sad at that.

Oh yeah im sure no one will buy it here in the states, take it to the PAWN shop

Seems like there are a lot of "i came back from a long trip and found out my girl was cheating on me" stories all of a sudden. I wonder if they have statistics on these things?

debo123 0

ForestFire is a ******* douche!! But just save the ring doe another Better girl that'll deserve it. Good luck!

Well first boot the bitch from your house, then just put the ring away. If you don't want to go back to France to return it, save it and when you meet someone worthy, have it reset into a different ring.

babyjay424 0

Thats messed up but seriously im sick of reading "whats up with girls cheating" and "their such ******" boo hoo jerks shows woman can cheat just as bad as men, the guys are usually the ones who end up with a best friend or family member! SO KEEP READING ABOUT CHEATING GIRLS AND WEEP YOU MORONS IM GLAD taste of your own medicine!!

I sprained an eye bone reading that. You're pretty bitter. Would you want your kitties to see you this way, Crazy Cat Lady Who Undoubtedly Lives Alone Because No Human Can Stand To Be Near Her?

lmmmr 0

The phrase "broke an eye bone" made my eyes hurt.

Kiwi_Splash 0

It's always the business trip period that's perfect for all cheaters. Apparent solution: Don't go on business trips. Actual solution: Keep doing what you do, finding out your other is a cheater is better than not knowing their abilities of doing so in the future. I guess you decide what is the realistic solution for your personality. Time to find you a nice gal, hopefully, you will :)

I hope the ring cost a fortune!!! (So you can finance the trip to return it plus a few bonus days of French fun. Oui oui.)

You need to see the movie Oklahoma...