By Anonymous - 14/08/2014 21:13 - Canada - Sudbury
Same thing different taste
By UH-OH - 15/03/2009 04:22 - United States
This is the end
By Anonymous - 01/03/2023 22:00 - United Kingdom - Swindon
By NickDrakeFan - 29/10/2013 01:57 - United States
All cars look the same these days
By Anonymous - 07/10/2024 06:00 - United States - Bakersfield
By Anonymous - 22/03/2019 20:00
By please stop singing!!!! - 21/03/2014 23:59 - United States - Windermere
By Madzison - 06/02/2012 10:08 - Australia
Don't think so highly of yourself
By Book by its cover - 08/10/2022 10:00 - United States - Federal Way
By OzzyWannabee - 20/02/2015 08:12 - France - Issy-les-moulineaux
By annoyed - 02/11/2012 10:37 - United States - Wyoming
Top comments
I'm sure I'm going to be attacked by Miley fans, but Jimi and Miley aren't even in the same category!!! Maybe you shouldn't have restrained yourself!!!
Yes, because attacking people because of a different opinion is the way to go.
Miley's image is part of a publicity stunt. All press is good press so even negative things like this get her name out there. I don't know much about the girl except the fact that she has a very good agent. Everyone knows her name so whether you like her or not, you're buying into the propaganda! If you really dislike her stop talking about her. I'm not a supporter but I'm just saying. This is how people get famous these days. Conflicting views over social media
Totally agree nothing against Miley and what she does but she doesn't even compare to him. OP you should have atleast said something without using violence:)
It is not that Jimmy was really all that good... He need the drugs to take him to the next level of playing.
I read your comment in Tina's voice b/c of your profile pic lol
Jimi was popular because his music was good. Miley is popular because she humps people with foam fingers and dresses like a ****.
Myley has no talent Hendrix is amazing
#14 if someone has an opinion that stupid they deserve to be slapped upside the head.
#93 you realise that the tour guide was trying to make the connection that they were both very famous, right? Obviously they aren't even in the same category. *slaps you upside the head*
@84 Isn't that how most celebrities are famous today? It's rather messed up actually.
I'm sorry, if there's a point to "pacifist", I'm not seeing it.
Perhaps it was an attempt at a pun-- like 'pass-a-fist in his face'.
I'm fairly certain they put pacifist in quotations to question the title OP has given himself. Such as someone being the first level (let's say they are level one out of 100 levels for a player) on a game and calling him/herself prestige then losing badly, in which case a person says sarcastically, "Yeah, you're 'prestige.'" Sorry for my bad example but I couldn't think of anything else and it was the first thing to come to mind in order to explain. Then again that's just my take on the comment.
I think OP put it there to show that he's not the kind of person who would normally react like that. If you go around punching people whenever you get angry then this wouldn't be that surprising. If you are a committed pacifist and get violent then not only would you be surprised at yourself but it just shows how awful the catalyst was for you to have gotten angry and lost it.
Should've done it.
I don't think Miley could even dream of herself as having as much talent as Jimi, smh.
I'm not a fan of Miley, but when she first started she was a great singer( still wasn't a fan then, but she did have talent). Now she went down a path a lot of people think is weird. Jimi Hendricks.... He was a ******* kick ass guitar player with shit tons of talent. Possible one of the best guitarist along with Phil Collen and Steve Clark.
I'm the fear inside your head.
I don't see Jimmy Hendrix twerking, or licking hammers naked.
Hehe "instruments"..
These comments suck
Glad to see you contributed. Thanks for your concern.
Like you face
Ew you never compare those two
The self-restraint stops twerkin' when anyone mentions Miley Cyrus
Why the reaction? Miley's also groundbreaking, influential, black guitarist.
21 implying miley is groundbreaking and influential. No
39. The joke, you missed it.
Fracking fantastic haha. Redpill, that had me laughing unnecessarily hard lol. As for the people who missed that..... Damn....
Is everyone retarded? I put 21 for a reason. 21 only seemed to have a problem with "black guitarist". That implies that 21 does not have a problem with the other two statements.

I'm sure I'm going to be attacked by Miley fans, but Jimi and Miley aren't even in the same category!!! Maybe you shouldn't have restrained yourself!!!
I don't see Jimmy Hendrix twerking, or licking hammers naked.