
By Anonymous - 28/06/2012 16:53 - United States - Fallbrook

Today, I found out that the piece of vacant land I purchased for $20,000 is illegal to build a house on, due to acreage restrictions. Thank you, realtor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 561
You deserved it 5 681

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would have done research with the town first. With any kind of construction you want to talk to people about ordinances first. The realtor just wants to sell sell sell.

Could always build a paintball course and get revenue from that


... That sucks but at the same time ydi. Why didn't op check the zoning on the property first? I've never bought property before but even I know that you have to check zoning and water/mineral rights before you buy!! Also shame on the realtor that sold the property without full disclosure!

do your homework. you should have known. and no reputable realtor is going to lie that you could build when you can't. something seems a little fishy here.

randybryant799 20

You deserve it for not checking on the zoning restrictions yourself.