
By Anonymous - 03/08/2009 14:50 - United States

Today, I got fired from work. Why? I finally took a stand for myself and confronted my coworker of writing things up in my name for herself, and it getting deducted from my check. So she went to the manager and accused me of sexual harassment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 060
You deserved it 3 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sbcpunkrocker 0

seems like there must be more to the story if you got fired and people were happy about it

******* bitch. Go back to your boss, and have him pull up the records. The shit she wrote would OBVIOUSLY not compare with your handwriting at all. Or get creative with some brake fluid and stain a giant penis on her car hood. But then, she might use another employee's money to pay for the new paint....


"but in Kentucky anyone can be fired for any reason at any time " That's only true if your employer doesn't violate Federal or other state laws. For example, you can't be fired for being black. You'll never be able to prove that was their reason in a court of law but too many people claim some states allow firing "for any reason at any time." I am an HR director in an at-will state. I could fire you for the color of your skin but I would just say that you were incompetent and you would never be able to prove anything even if I told you to your face. You'd better be wearing a wire and hope that I can't make a convincing argument that someone wasn't imitating my voice. This also in no way ever happens to any real degree. Most people claiming racism or any other -ism are usually just the incompetents they were actually fired for. Or maybe they were just jerks. Just sayin'.

FYL man. Shit like this makes me sick, it's so easy for women to just say " I got harassed sexually" when they have beef with someone and people believe them just like that. What a big hoe.

Coprophobia 0

You should **** punt that ho.

Women are back-stabbing petty *****. The sooner you learn that, the better your life will be.

yeah some parts dont make sense. anyway she's a b*tch. sorry about it

bob1233 0

what the efff? thats doesnt make any sense.

This is one thing I hate about women they're allowed to get away with shit like this.

Mancubus 2

I'm pretty sure you could win a wrongful discharge suit against your employer on the grounds they fired you on the spot for an alleged sexual harassment complaint which they didn't investigate. See if you can get pain and suffering in there too.

DeadMansCrack 4

This really sucks,but it's not really a funny FML.