
By Anonymous - 03/08/2009 14:50 - United States

Today, I got fired from work. Why? I finally took a stand for myself and confronted my coworker of writing things up in my name for herself, and it getting deducted from my check. So she went to the manager and accused me of sexual harassment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 060
You deserved it 3 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sbcpunkrocker 0

seems like there must be more to the story if you got fired and people were happy about it

******* bitch. Go back to your boss, and have him pull up the records. The shit she wrote would OBVIOUSLY not compare with your handwriting at all. Or get creative with some brake fluid and stain a giant penis on her car hood. But then, she might use another employee's money to pay for the new paint....


Some definitions of liberal: a.Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry. b.Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded. 3.Not strict or literal; loose or approximate: a liberal translation. 4.Of, relating to, or based on the traditional arts and sciences of a college or university curriculum: a liberal education. Seems to me "liberal" is a pretty good thing. You're being pretty liberal there yourself with your "I support women's rights" statement lol And the "equal rights" movement was a good movement in the past, it really WAS about equal rights then. Nowadays, many women and racial minorities take it too far; the only people I think should be bitching about equal rights today are homosexuals. Now, granted, too much liberalism (ex: this guy's ****** situation), is obviously a very bad thing. At the same time, too much conservatism is also a very bad thing. There is nothing wrong with progression and change... otherwise the US wouldn't even exist. Life is at the edge of Chaos. Change too much and you're dead. Stay the course forever and you're dead. It's a delicate, thin, little line we must navigate. So far, the US hasn't blown up yet, so I think we're doing pretty well... obviously, it can always be better, but isn't that the whole point of progession? It can ALWAYS be better, so ... make it better! But then, everyone has a different idea on what "better" is, even the parties argue within themselves... and that's the real beauty of it. Through this, we reach a medium, a compromise, and stay on that tightwalk just a little longer. Things can't progress immediately, obviously... Think of how long it took for those equal rights to actually be equal, and for some they still aren't. But, we're getting th-- whoa I am talking way too much lol But my point is that nothing's wrong with liberalism, nothing's wrong with conservatism, but there's something wrong with too little and too much of either. See: Nazi Germany (conservatism) and Soviet Russia (liberalism). Politics is tricky business. As for the OP: BITCH DAMN IT, DO NOT JUST ROLL OVER AND LET THAT SHIT HAPPEN. Unless you really did deserve it... but some people might be ignorant and just be applauding because they believe her and think "Wow, I didn't even know! What a creep."

chowyuk 0

ydi for confronting her, and not going to your boss 1st you probably asked for sexual favors for your silence. get over it you obviously didn't like where you worked and they didn't like you. find a job that you enjoy and you will never work another day in your life

I smell a lawsuit. You did the right thing, but you waited too long. Should have done it when you first noticed. Now, contact a lawyer. Don't tell the company you're suing, let the lawyer do it. Also, contact your State Labor Board.

I don't know about other states, but in Kentucky anyone can be fired for any reason at any time - there's absolutely no legal recourse against the company if you get terminated. Now, assassination of character is a different offense...

ahwww! that happened to one of my friends too :( except he went to jail. not JUST fired from work.

It's the same in Michigan. We are an "at will" state. However, there are still laws about unfair temination. (i.e. sexual or racial descrimination, however that would be hard to proove)

Wow man that totally sucks, Sad part is this shit happens all the time. i think after reading this if something like this happens to me, i will only confront her whilst wearing a hidden camera and forcing her to blackmail me (i assume she blackmailed you about the sexual harassment thing.) at least then i would have some proof.

I expected you to end that list with "them libruls is gonna take mah guns away, mmhmm"

Wow, lemme guess, this woman is a feminist?

letitbe56 0

NO. Stop it now. This has nothing to do with feminism. She sounds more like a psychopath than anything else, and I mean that literally, as in I am going off the definition of psychopathy. She belongs in the same cell as Bernie Madoff, not the same cell as Alice Paul.

This is why I work in places that have unions. Without a contract, you've got no process to defend you. It might not save you, but you'd have a fair process.