
By Anonymous - 03/08/2009 14:50 - United States

Today, I got fired from work. Why? I finally took a stand for myself and confronted my coworker of writing things up in my name for herself, and it getting deducted from my check. So she went to the manager and accused me of sexual harassment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 060
You deserved it 3 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sbcpunkrocker 0

seems like there must be more to the story if you got fired and people were happy about it

******* bitch. Go back to your boss, and have him pull up the records. The shit she wrote would OBVIOUSLY not compare with your handwriting at all. Or get creative with some brake fluid and stain a giant penis on her car hood. But then, she might use another employee's money to pay for the new paint....


luvs2splooge42 0

at first when i read this it seemed like she probably was lying, but then i realized the OP never actually said she was making it up, just that he was accused. YDI. lol. if she was making it up... quite a different story obviously

Essentials 0

lawsuit. enjoy your millions.

AntiChrist7 0

sue her, and the company, and you never have to work again. lucky bastard

I have a sneaky suspicion the OP has done something-- in actions or in attitude-- that would give his coworkers and boss a reason to believe the girl. It should be easy to see through blatent manipulation like this if it's 100% unfounded.

Assuming she has no basis for complaining (and I mean none, ie you don't spend you time staring at them or anything) then you should sue for wrongful dismissal. At least in the UK (and almost certainly the US), it is illegal to just fire someone without a reason. You should be able to sue for compensation. They will also probably be fired (making unfounded accusations of sexual harrasement is gross negligence and so grounds for dismissal). (I am not a laywer, you should consult one for legal advice first). People should not be able to get away with making false claims of sex related misconduct. It is very unfair and, it harms genuine victims because crying wolf makes people ignore them. Accepting it will make you look guilty, ruinning your reputation, and make them think it is ok to cry wolf like that.

I would have more sympathy for you, but I can't get past the fact that this is the worst written FML I have ever read. It is painful. Gah!

Accusing sexual harassment; womens strongest weapon. :( I feel sorry for everyone who actually gets sexually harassed,because it's like in this old story for children (Peter and the wolf or something like that), one day people will be sick of that and won't believe it anymore.

jackle117 0

That's stupid though. I mean what employer is going to say "I'm firing you because you're black". If I was to hate blacks, and felt like firing all blacks, I'd just say "we don't have enough funds for so many employees, so I'm going to have to let you go. So sorry." I'll claim they're lying if they accuse me of being a racist.