
By Anonymous - 03/08/2009 14:50 - United States

Today, I got fired from work. Why? I finally took a stand for myself and confronted my coworker of writing things up in my name for herself, and it getting deducted from my check. So she went to the manager and accused me of sexual harassment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 060
You deserved it 3 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sbcpunkrocker 0

seems like there must be more to the story if you got fired and people were happy about it

******* bitch. Go back to your boss, and have him pull up the records. The shit she wrote would OBVIOUSLY not compare with your handwriting at all. Or get creative with some brake fluid and stain a giant penis on her car hood. But then, she might use another employee's money to pay for the new paint....


Hoax_fml 0

Take it to court? Apparently none of you really understand the court system. The whole process will take years, and even if the OP wins his lawyer fees will be more than the settlement/judgment. The OP got fired from some shitty retail job, not some million dollar a year position. It sucks, try to move on.

letitbe56 0

Yes, but now he has to sit in job interviews and say, "I was fired from my last job for sexual harassment, but really I didn't do it!" How believable does that sound? A lawsuit might actually be worth it, if only to clear his name.

letitbe56 0

This is so stupid. People who oppose liberalism have such enormous blinders on that they always have to drag everything back to why liberalism is bad, even when a discussion of liberalism vs. conservatism is completely irrelevant. As I said elsewhere, this woman sounds like a psychopath, as in she has the same thing wrong with her brain that is wrong with Bernie Madoff's brain. She cried sexual harassment because she feels no remorse for her actions, just like she stole from a coworker because she feels no remorse for her actions. She is sick. And it is completely ridiculous for anyone to think that this has anything to do with feminism just because she happens to be a woman who did a bad thing to a man. This FML has nothing to do with liberalism. At all.

That sucks!!! Women have been trusted too much to the point where they can easily falsely accuse a man of sexual harassment when he really did nothing, based solely on her word. Not saying women shouldn't have rights or be protected from harassment, but shit like this ruins mens' lives. Some things are just so unfair these days. In this case, I actually agree with the troll (#2), this girl is a bitch. Lesson learned tho, next time, report directly to the manager about problems like that. And definitely try to sue her for false accusation and getting you fired.

letitbe56 0

Please don't generalize. Most women understand the consequences of abusing rules that are in place to protect them. False accusations of sexual harassment DON'T happen that often.

How can you say they "don't happen often"? I really don't think anyone is in a position to say one way or the other. And I'd really like to see you quit jumping up to spread your mess every time someone says something different.

letitbe56 0

It's not a mess just because you don't like thinking about it. Looking the world's complexities in the face can be difficult, but hey, that's life. Learn to deal with it, because it's not going away.

icertainlysuck 0

Thats all you women in this country do anymore. You all need to get on your knees and do something productive. FYL indeed man.

zee209 0

For those saying "Sue", it is very possible that he can't sue. A lot of retail companies have a policy where they can basically fire you without warning and/or reason. It's RETAIL, not a 6 figure salary job.

they can policy away. the fact is that you can't do that - and anyway, the OP doesn't have to sue the company, would be sufficient to sue the **** who slandered him with the intention of making him lose his job. intent, action, damages. sue the bitch.

you know, i did kinda feel sorry for you and was going to say that you should go back to your boss and try to talk things out. and that the girl sounded like a dumb bitch anyway. BUT, i have to agree with the first poster. there must have been more to the story if you got fired and people were happy and applauding...

DoomJeff91 2

Co-worker: Have you been using my name to buy store goods? OP: You want to see the goods I stole? [The OP immediately begins taking off her skimpy blouse with his teeth] Co-worker: I see you've gotten a raise.

and you said "I finally... " as in you either 1. procrastinated, or 2. procrastinated and she did it multiple times. You sir are a man with a ******. Grow some nuts and be assertive and maybe people won't walk all over you. Here's a little trick I learned a few years back. PEOPLE WILL TREAT YOU LIKE SHIT IF YOU LET THEM. So start acting like a man and get shit fixed.

should have brought a friend or 3rd person party to act as a witness. fyl but ydi for not being able to outthink a crook