Tailgate party

By Anonymous - 23/05/2014 22:06 - Canada - Oakville

Today, while driving home, some idiot kept tailgating me, so I slowed down, hoping he'd overtake me. He didn't, so I pulled to the side of the road. He did the same, in front of me. He kept toying with me until I crashed into another car trying to speed away from him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 611
You deserved it 15 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Quiet_one 22

I've noticed that people try to bully you a lot when you drive a small car- this kind of thing never happens if I'm driving a (pick up) truck or van, but I get it all the time in my little car. Whenever some jerkbutt is riding my bumper and won't pass when they have the chance, I just keep doing my thing and act like I don't notice. The way I see it, if they cause an accident after that I can honestly say I did nothing wrong, and any witnesses will back that up. And I can't deny the passive-aggressive satisfaction of imagining their frustration at being completely ignored.

SobrietyKills 14

One thing I've learned about tailgaters is to just ignore them. If they crash into you then that's there own problem. You won't be responsible for the damages, they will. Just don't freak out and focus on driving safely.

When you see someone tailgating you wait till you see them to for a sip of their drink then tap your breaks (tap = strong enough to light up break lights, not strong enough to actually slow down). Fun to watch them spilling drink all over them self

Sorry, but it is still your responsibility to watch where you are going. YDI

psycho_fuzzball 10

should have called the cops

If he pulled over in front of you, why didn't you call the police with his license plate number?

If someone chooses to follow close to you then what difference does it make, you just keep looking ahead and drive and a reasonable speed. Who is it really inconveniencing if they're stuck behind someone willingly?

It's bad because if you have to slam on the brakes to prevent you from hitting something they could easily hit your car causing thousands of dollars. A friend of mine had to slam on the brakes so she wouldn't hit a kid that ran out in the road and a tailgater couldn't stop in time and smashed into her car. The impact pushed her car about 10 feet causing her to hit the kid. So yes. Tailgating is a serious problem.

Should you have to slam your brakes for whatever reason the person following too close behind you will ultimately pay the price, whatever damage Is caused as a result including people being injured is unfortunate but nothing I'll feel guilty about. Either way what can you do if someone chooses to be an asshole?