Tailgate party

By Anonymous - 23/05/2014 22:06 - Canada - Oakville

Today, while driving home, some idiot kept tailgating me, so I slowed down, hoping he'd overtake me. He didn't, so I pulled to the side of the road. He did the same, in front of me. He kept toying with me until I crashed into another car trying to speed away from him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 611
You deserved it 15 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments


123edud 6

Stuff like that happens a lot on the interstate when I drive cross country. Just ignore them, it usually helps

Just push the brake hard a couple of times really hard.They will be responsible if they crash your car.At least it's like that here..

SobrietyKills 14

That's awful advice. I know tailgating is douchey, but what if that causes an even worst wreck?

I thought all Canadians were nice... I'm sure he said sorry afterwards.

Go into a supermarket or something and stay there for like a day

Don't know how it is in your part of the world, but almost regardless of what someone else did, you run into something, it's your fault. If someone is driving like an idiot, and you can't shake him, pull over and stop. Morons tend to get bored parked up somewhere.

you should have called 911 you never know what guys like him are up to you should still call now

Why didn't you confront him when he stopped behind you when you pulled over? I really hope you got his plates because tailgating is dangerous driving and it causes further dangerous driving, so you'd be well within your right to report this ********.

rawlings123 17

That was all your fault. Just drive normal.