Tailgate party

By Anonymous - 23/05/2014 22:06 - Canada - Oakville

Today, while driving home, some idiot kept tailgating me, so I slowed down, hoping he'd overtake me. He didn't, so I pulled to the side of the road. He did the same, in front of me. He kept toying with me until I crashed into another car trying to speed away from him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 611
You deserved it 15 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments


kotake 7

Honestly just pull over and report their license plate. Or take 3 minutes out of your commute to go off an exit then hop back on so he finds someone else to mess with. If police come and see some asshat tailgating they're gonna arrest him.

Either it was your dad messing with you..but he would have gotten out of the car if you crashed..so it is...stranger danger..maybe he is actually a secret stalker you have that you didn't know you had till now. I would invest in security cameras around your house.

I logged in just so that I could thumb down your comment.

Call the cops, should have been the first thing on your mind.

You should run your theory by a professional driving instructor, or better yet, a veteran police officer to get informed of how your actions are actually considered aggressive and risky driving.

Sometimes you just have to do your best to ignore them, or else you'll end up getting in a wreck (like you did).

When he followed you into the parking you should have taken his plate number down and called the cops.

either break check him or just ignore it

give em a good scare just speed up abit and pull the ebrake they will either slam into you or stay away

likice93 7

Where are you from cuz I know someone that was having a problem with same kinda thing

A car was doing that to us one night, even when we pulled over. The thing that finally sent them on their way was me driving into the car park of the local police station. Such assholes.