Take it or leave it

By compulsiveliarssaytheylikeme - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Sayre

Today, I found out that the only girl who's ever called me cute or handsome is actually a compulsive liar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 953
You deserved it 3 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yep, she lied when she said you were cute. She actually thinks you're smoking hot.

Don't worry OP, someone will truly appreciate you one day


Don't worry OP, someone will truly appreciate you one day

Compulsive liars don't ALWAYS lie. Besides where did you get that information? It might not even be true.

Maybe the person who called her a compulsive liar is, in fact, a compulsive liar.

What if the person that called her a compulsive liar was compulsively lying about being a compulsive liar....

Some of these comments seriously hurt my brain xP

Maybe she was doing a double bluff? It's okay though, there's someone out there who will appreciate you

either way if at least it gave him an ego/confidence boost, that's at least something. STAY STRONG OP!

Yep, she lied when she said you were cute. She actually thinks you're smoking hot.

Sorry OP. That sucks. But I'm sure you'll find someone for who you are.

JMichael 25

Keep your head up OP. There's plenty of people out there.

You'll find someone truthful keep your head up OP

"It is impossible To never tell the truth But the reality is *She's getting away with murder" [Maybe this time she wasn't lying?]

Gravenmuir 18

*whispers* Getting away, getting away!

Just because she is a compulsive liar doesn't mean she was definitely lying to you when she said you're cute/handsome. Stop being so paranoid and negative about your own appeareance OP. If you don't appreciate yourself in the first place, how can you expect others to appreciate you?