By SadFace - 07/03/2010 18:54 - United States
Same thing different taste
By teardrops - 21/09/2010 08:50 - Australia
By Mr. Shawzy - 14/01/2009 13:09 - Canada
By Anonymous - 26/07/2014 15:50 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/01/2021 23:01
By nonexistant - 29/10/2010 04:33 - United States
By Anonymous - 17/09/2011 08:17 - South Africa
Cruisin' for a bruisin'
By leah - 07/01/2021 14:01 - United States - San Jose
By Jules - 21/02/2011 07:59 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/09/2015 13:21 - United Kingdom - Bristol
By ambiiii - 20/08/2015 03:25 - United States - Marble Falls
Top comments
Fyl. :[
God help you if this is Simon Weston posting.
**** I had trouble even opening this fml on my iPod touch. what a tiny boring fml
today a guy came up to me and i started crying because he was ugly, he then proceded to tell me "oh dont cry at my hideus face little girl" im not a girl. fml
56... now that's an FML...kinda like the little kid who tugged on a random person's pants in a store and said, mommy, I want to go was a guy
how the he'll is this possible????? was the girl like 5
If this is true (which it probably isn't) then the OP has to go all out and get every kind of plastic surgery there is. It doesn't matter how much it costs, borrow money from the mob if need be, but just do it.
Maybe he was so beautiful that the light emanating from him blinded the girl and made her cry. ;)
haha I know! I was getting pretty frustraited NOT being able to open this on my touch... FML for waisting my time on this... lol
o__O FML deleted most of my comment. How strange. Let's try again. rawrimamuffin
Oh forget it. It's not even worth it.
lmao daamn first time I heard that kid I could have sworn it was Taylor swift
63 ftw
I think #60 must be on to something. Was it a young girl? Were you making faces? Post-pubescent girls don't just burst into tears at the sight of some ugliness, even if you are truly hideous. A toddler might if you made a face or you are disfigured in some way. Fix what you don't like or accept yourself for who you are. If your mum tells you you're beautiful, believe her.
YDI for being ugly
lol it's called makeup
your a loser!
you a ugly mofo
today I read a bullshit hard to click fml that's clearly fake FML
YDI for leaving your mothers womb as a child!
I agree completely... I had to use the tip of my pinky
maybe ur fingers are too big ;)
A win @40.
@63 hahahahaha OP, maybe u r justin bieber
SAME. lmfao xD but this can be true, I know some guys who are soo ******* ugly that I want to cry. LOL
You need to have more, Self-confidence op I am sure you are a pretty girl.
oops! I mean handsome boy =)
Op change your name from sadface to uglyashellface
No, Justin Bieber's FML would be: "Today, I answered a telemarketer's call. Upon hearing my voice the telemarketer called me Miss. FML".
Interesting, looks have only made me vomit before.
@180 LMAO!!!!
how? I have a beard I can't shave because of my religion, my eye sight is really bad (-5.25) and I'm fat, but you don't see me crying!!
crazeeelife12 same, took me forever :L
lol nice 62
i agree with 42
LMAO!!!!! good 1!!! =D
You could just look like someone she knew that died or she broke up with or something
Do u think she wants to be ugly? ur just being mean dude ):
haha I'll b the 40 yo virgin
you must be pretty ugly
you should do something about that!
lol I was thinking this too... tears of joy, right?
#58 Don't be hating on Perdix...just because he said he has 5... jk :-P
none of this conversation makes sense whatsoever! haha
boobies make me smile :D
I always get perdix and pendatic confused. Threesome? STD-some?
oooo I want in ....jkjkjkjkjk ...ummm... not jk as in sex-sounds jk... jk as in yea
You make "jk" sex noises? I'm having trouble hearing that onomatopoeia. But I'm totally trying to imagine it.
I call dibs on the perdix and pendatic threesome. I love getting brain-f***ed.
Wait, so is it a five-some? Or are DGross and I getting kicked out? If so, that's okay, because our sex tape will make allegorical references to Plato's "Allegory of the Cave"! Which is awesome because it's already one big allegory! Which rhymes with orgy! If that's alright with DGross, that is.
... and this is why Perdix comment threads are the best ... yea go have fun with your threesome... we have even "bigger" plans :-P
seeimdee are you in too for the best night of your life? aww crap... just looked at your age... well we just have to wait a year or go overseas... isn't that right Perdix? ...and now a public service announcement... (everything in this thread is a joke for those of you who can not take one (in the butt...ooooo) please stop reading this thread for the sake of your mental well being)
A big brain? I know a dude with encephalitis! Well, big head, close enough. I hear big heads always make us girls cry with pleasure. ;D Jailbait FTW! I wanna be jailbait forever. Forbidden love is so angst-ridden and hawt. all need to actually get laid. it's clearly an issue. all need to actually get laid. it's clearly an issue.
Ooh, this double-posting is definitely putting me in the mood. Double is always better. Lube, Oreo filling, partners, ****** time, Oreo filling as lube...
Oreo filling as lube? I honestly feel creepy talking on the matter with kids too young to get what lube is.
@astro_plastic, when they start describing themselves as "jailbait" you know the conversation has degraded to the PNR.
And kids too young to know what "the PNR" is. Or too fail-tastic! :D Well, first you might have to mix the filling with a little water to create some paste, then heat it up in the micro for about 15 seconds. If the consistency is like doughnut glaze, though, you've f'ed up.
Or you could just be sexually mature enough to not need Easy Bake Lube.
But...Oreos...They even sound sexy...Like "orifice", or since "O" is the shape of a hole, or...Okay, I officially lose. :P
While we are free associating, renisca, I go from "Double" and "Oreo filling" to "Double-Stuff Oreos." That leads me to the commercial where Eli and Payton Manning are getting ready for a double-stuff "eat-off" with the Williams sisters. This is the **** film that even the perviest of pervs begged NOT to get made.
Wait, so was it Manning vs. Williams or Manning vs. Manning and Williams vs. Williams? And who won? And who just got stuffed?
D: Woah...I was just glad that my state was good at something (winning the Superbowl) for once. Now? Definitely not bowled over. And not feeling too calm or Serena. Sports + sex + terrible puns = time for Tiger Woods jokes. Not really. xP
My hourly rate is 200
Maybe your problem is the exact opposite: experience? We love all the wisdom you impart, but maybe that's not all you're spreading. Maybe she's upset about the STD you gave her. Now that's one bitter "experience." Reconsider the meaning of your favorite quote, "Spread the love." Love is not jelly on toast, to be spread on the corners as you work them. At least, that's what I know. But what do I know? That jelly on toast is really good. That's all I know.
Penis butter FTW
lol @ penis butter Also, daaammmn, $200 is a little steep... especially when it may ummm... last a while...I assume that rate is flexible, especially because of the "hard" times these days which I'm sure you'll be "experiencing"... ...but wait, I'm not even in on this anymore am I :-( Maybe I should get out of this comment thread before I contract anything...else...
...I meant that's my rate for psychotherapy, not prostitution. Times will have to get a lot harder for that one.
Sammich is not a sexist term. It simply refers to a sandwich made by a naked person after sex. I would be happy to make a sammich for a woman who gave me exquisite oral pleasure. I'd even have the good taste not to fix a hot dog slathered in mayonnaise garnished with alfalfa sprouts and two hard-boiled eggs. That I would not do!
This is ******* epic. lmao at ppl who thought she was a *****. lol. i think the peyton^2 and williams^2 is more of a group thing. not double team, the sibling thing makes it a ton more awkward. $200 psychotherapy for the people with the 5 sum turns out into a total orgy. the $200 obv is going towards the drugs.
I see what you did there Perdix... and to astro_plastic: I'm sorry I hurt your feelings if you thought I meant you were only worth $200/ make up for it I will make you a sammich ... if Perdix allows me that is :-)
ever trying wearing a bag over your head?might help your cause.

Fyl. :[
her eyes started to burn from your hotness. :P