Take that

By Anonymous - 30/07/2009 00:14 - United Kingdom

Today, I was riding my motorcycle when I saw my cheating ex-wife walking down the road. Out of anger, I spat my gum at her. I forgot that my helmet's visor was still down, so when I spat, the gum stuck against it. I was temporarily blinded and I crashed into some bushes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 148
You deserved it 77 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IndigoKitty 3

You wanted to spit your gum at your ex-wife? YDI for being so immature

Immaturity aside, how do you forget your visor is down?


Seriously? A perfect example? People who spit deserve to die? Wow. It's like your natural habitat's bubblewrap. If Nostradamus was right, you'll probably die too. No time to bask in the terror, sorry.

she's an ex for a reason. get over it already. ydi. also can you explain how you were blinded by a piece of gum? this fml sounds fake.

this has to be fake there is no way you can be blinded by a stick of gum.

I call BS in a big way here. How could you spit gum and have it stick to your visor in a position to blind you? And why would you not open the visor so you could see even if it did?? Most helmets, there's simply no way this could happen.

AntiChrist7 0

"The reason why crash helmets are small is because people who wear them haven't got a brain. Otherwise they'd have a car." Jeremey Clarkson

musu_fml 0

I ride a motorcycle, and my experience leads me also to call BS on this one. Just as #34 says, it's highly unlikely you'd be able to spit gum onto the visor in pretty much any full or half-face helmet; the visor simply does not extend down that far. Anyone who has ever worn a helmet for a few seconds would realise this. And as #22 said; blinded by a small peice of gum, to the point where an accident happens? I really don't think so. That'd be like crashing your car when a bird craps on your windscreen.

blahdeblah8392 0

this would've been so much better if it ended with "and she had to call 911"

freddie_fml 0

Good. Maybe now you'll grow the **** up.