Taking it too far

By Hypocrisy - 28/09/2011 22:16 - United States

Today, I was called a pervert. On a phone sex line. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 661
You deserved it 56 808

Same thing different taste


BetterThings 1

then go apply for a job on the line. apparently whoever called u a pervert thinks uve got wat it takes

Oh the possibilities of what was said during that conversation are endless. How dirty do you have to go for a phone sex operator to call you a pervert?

That is an exceptional achievement. Well done!

Go get laid. Stop using phone sex. U r a pevert.

While others are saying you are perverted i'm thinking: " What did you do?"

what the hell did you tell her??? or was she like new to the job? xD