FML for mobile
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By Somessedup - 09/09/2009 18:29 - United States

Today, my boss asked to use my phone since the company pays for it. A few hours later the same boss called me into his office to fire me. Apparently the company checks the phone records and found a call made on my cell to a sex line. My boss made that call and just fired me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 120
You deserved it 4 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bkell13 0

Definitely look into reporting him...know any higher ups you can talk to? Dude's clearly got issues if he would go to that extent to call a sex line on an employees phone and then let them get fired over it.


playfuldesk 0

I'm first! I didn't evan read it yet! I love anal

Good for you not everyone admits they love receiving.

analo_fml 8

maybe your boss made that call on purpose to fire you.

I think that's the idea, #36. What a shitty boss.

Jaque_Aze 0

FAKE FML!!! I work for a major wireless carrier and your unbilled call details are not available to get until the bill prints out unless they have access to your password for your online account details. Even if they did the details would not be available "15 mins later" to view. Also your boss borrowed your phone, called an adult line, spanked it, returned the phone, the company somehow saw the call, they called your boss and told him to fire you, he called you in and fired you within "15 minutes?" bull.

driedpeaches 0

you would be wrong, so I guess being "phone support" doesn't make you very knowledgeable about cell phones at all. First of all it was a "company phone" which of course has the password to the account. You must work for a crappy phone company, mine and my work both update the online record immediately.

Also, #70, where did you get 15 minutes from? OP said a few hours.

He said few hours later learn to read

what's so hard about saying "ok. yes. uh huh. right." and then walking straight up to HIS boss and letting them know what happened?

Makes me wonder how an asshole like that got to the position he did in his job. Is there any way to prove it wasn't you who made that call?

bkell13 0

Definitely look into reporting him...know any higher ups you can talk to? Dude's clearly got issues if he would go to that extent to call a sex line on an employees phone and then let them get fired over it.

justmyluck1212 0

haha thats the cheater's way to fire someone

playfuldesk 0

Haha I'm the pitcher on this team

Hit on Deborah LIKE A BAWS Get rejected LIKE A BAWS Swallow sadness LIKE A BAWS Send some faxes LIKE A BAWS Call the sex line LIKE A BAWS Cry deeply LIKE A BAWS Demand a refund LIKE A BAWS Good lord, I hope your name is Deborah

Eat a bagel LIKE A BOSS ________________________________

I hope the "I reply with lyrics" guy doesn't get mad at you. Maybe you have an agreement that you can quote Andy Samberg videos. In that case, I hope you know the words to "Dick In a Box," "**** in My Pants" and the ones about the boat and your friend's mothers. They will probably come in handy soon.

plexico, if he gets mad, I'll punch him in the jeans, because this is not a case of man versus machine.

Plexico I refuse to believe you don't know the entire incredibad album the boat one=I'm on a boat

brendiz 0

Guess he really didn't like you FYL