Thanks, asshat

By Anonymous - 16/03/2014 18:53 - United States - Wellsville

Today, I waited on a gentleman and his lady friend at my restaurant. They ordered some of the most expensive items on the menu, and I thought I'd get a nice tip. Instead, he tipped me a scrap of paper, containing a drawing of a cock jizzing on a caricature of my face, and the word "Thanks." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 515
You deserved it 4 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iLike2Teabag 27

I guess he thought giving you a "money shot" = giving you money.


I don't think I could have resisted the urge to follow him out and punch him in the face. What an asshole.

He was trying to tell you that the amazing food you served him made him cum. He was only trying to thank you! I'd take that as a compliment and frame that drawing in my room! Be proud OP! Haha

Asstarotte 7

That mans an asshole or has a really weird sense of humor

ThenNowForver 4

I hope this guy gets his dick ripped off by a hobo. He deserves it.

blowmytrunk 2

u must have been quite the Dick to them.

That, OP, is no gentleman. Don't be fooled