Thanks dude

By no snow day - 05/02/2014 14:07 - United States - Round Lake

Today, like every day, I had to walk to my bus stop. The only difference today is there was snow and ice over everything. Not only did I slip and fall, soaking both myself and the contents of my bag, the bus driver saw me there at the bus stop and drove straight past. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 233
You deserved it 4 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BobRoss9 8

Your* Otherwise you're insulting OP by telling her she's a specific part of a bus driver's posterior region.


Bus drivers hate waiting for people even if you have to pick up something you dropped. I'm sorry about your morning, OP.

Vanessa_Leeann26 17

Some people can't help acting like a dick. Hope your day gets better op.

I feel like most bus drivers did a training to get any sense of their sociality removed. So many people have problems with bus drivers who are being assholes

missed the bus and caught gravity, yep FYL

I'm always scared that this is going to be me! be careful and take your time another bus Wil come :)

perdix 29

It would be irresponsible for the driver to pick up a wet passenger. You'd drip on the floor and cause the other riders to slip and fall. Safety first!

Though you're right, that was still a shitty thing for the bus driver to do.

Lol because the bus drivers worry about passenger safety, God forbid a masturbating lunatic should lose his stroke by slipping in a puddle and kink his Wang

perdix 29

#33, your heart is kind but you're not thinking this through. If the wet OP got on the bus, at least 10-12 people would probably slip and fall. One must suffer to prevent massive damage!