Thanks guys

By daddy - 22/12/2008 05:43 - France

Today, someone stole both rear view mirrors from my scooter. And where were the police? They were 500 m down the road, waiting to stop me for not having any mirrors. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 614
You deserved it 2 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wanna meet the douche bags who think you deserved this. I mean WTF?!


Rob1234 0

This is a lie your not required to have mirrors

Lol... Scooter.. But really that must be a pain. And I bet they didn't listen to your explanation.

For all you know they took the mirrors so they could give you a ticket

You should thoroughly reflect on this me I am an AnalRapist -Analyst therapist

HighasaCloud 46

Police were waiting for you to get on your scooter and drive away? Hmmm... how convenient....