Thanks, I hate it

By Anonymous - 13/03/2014 09:34 - Australia

Today, my mother took me to go and see my grandfather, who I hadn't seen since I was 4. The first thing he said to me was, "Pfwoarr, look at those tits." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 469
You deserved it 6 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JMichael 25

Your grandfather sounds like quite the character.

Pwoarr? is that an Australian mating call?


Either he's a character or he already is going senile.

doglover100 28

Maybe that's why you haven't seen him since you were four.

When you get old, you realize you can say anything you want and so the filter gets turned off.

What did you say back? Did you leave?