Thanks, I hate it

By Heretique - 09/02/2011 09:30 - Norway

Today, we had to evaluate each other in class. Apparently I'm a quarrelsome, uncommitted, commanding bitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 529
You deserved it 35 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Suck it up. If you're a bitch I'm surprised people haven't told you earlier. Or you could be the super sensitive type, who takes a compliment and twists it into an insult. I hate everything today.


mizz_rivera9 0

And I have no doubt that whoever evaluated you is right ^~^

Griggy 0

I'm sure your class wouldn't be so petty that they would've said that without a reason.

wow.. sorry... my friend me today that some ppl think of me like that... ik how u feel but irdc what they think... i have friends who dont think tht way.

your a women... what did you expect them to say your calm, faithful and don't command guys around?

TheDrop 0
SLiPKNoT57 0
sallen0046 4

Apparently you're also ignorant, since it required an entire class evaluation for you to figure it out. Now you're aware. If you don't like these traits, alter your behavior.

shinco_fml 0

why don't you self-evaluate and send it back?