Thanks, I hate it

By Anonymous - 05/08/2009 02:34 - United States

Today, I received a $250 ticket when I parked my car, that has the disabled placard, in a handicapped spot at a Wal-Mart. The officer said she watched me get out of the car and walk to store without appearing to be disabled. I'm 59 years old, have a steel rod in my spine and a prosthetic hip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 309
You deserved it 3 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who is it for her to decide if you're disabled or not? Wow. I hate people like that. Of course not all handicaps are always going to be noticeable.

Conkers 0

I'm pretty sure you can definately appeal against that. People with mental disabilities can get the cards and you cannot physically look at them to see if they're disabled.


Essentials 0

Just go to the courthouse and show them proof of disability. end of fml.

Wow... It made the news! I hope the cop is ashamed!


something like this happened to my mom. but she went to cort n once they saw she was in a wheel chair they took the ticket away. the judges are usually nice

YDI for being such a lame duck. Do the world a favor and pick a wrist.

i_am_batman_fml 0

WTF how can you tell a 59 year old man not really his fault he is disable i would wish you the same fate but im not a ass hole like you

I'm so sorry you have to go through all the trouble but fight it, that's just wrong

Hoax_fml 0

They're just trying to drive up revenue, the bastards. Enjoy wasting your morning in court to have this straightened out.

ineedthispen 0

Yea I read this on the local news. The officer Voided out the ticket.

i'm quite curious as how she would deserve the ticket? do people just hit YDI just cause they're having a shit day?

Thats horrible and so uncalled for! there are so many people in this world with "invisible disabilities" including a very very dear friend of mine who did a while vid on it ( ) People have enough trouble in their lives without having people try and make it harder.