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By Anonymous - 17/07/2010 20:31 - United States

Today, I was looking for a parking spot and finally found one. Trying to figure out if the spot was legal, I asked a cop that had pulled up. He said it was fine. I came back 3 hours later to a parking ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 989
You deserved it 4 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments

had that same thing happen to me. two cops on two separate occasions told me it was ok to park there, even the sign said that you get a fine only if you park north of the sign. I was south of it. I came out of the building as the cop was writing me a ticket. I asked him why he was doing that if he had told me it was ok and the sign backed me up too and he said "its life". after that he called me baby and started to treat me like an idiot because I have a foreign accent. Needless to say I reported his ass, turns out more people had the same problem with him


authorkid 2

Maybe he said "that's a fine" and not "that's fine" but prolly not. FYL anyway.

Arsonnist 3

should have bought him a bunch of doughnuts. that would have kept him busy for three hours.

msyelowbubblegum 0

woah i ttally misread this!! i thought the op said they wer looking for a party spot im so confused

samanthadude 0

#28 - I agree 100%. You should have made sure yourself.

M4V3R1CKR13 0

Cops are always unprofessional, all of them in anywhere of the world. 

he wanted a chocolate starfish licking thats why and he would have let you off

hey everyone, I'm an undercover secret spy. don't tell anyone though. ;)

He was, no doubt, the one who wrote the ticket. lol

I agree a barrel roll would definetly help.

Chrisskiies 0

And people wonder why cops are highly disliked? lol Oh well sucks to be you Op, you can try and fight it, but you will lose. Your word agaisnt the officers.

ChelseaXD 0

maybe he said it'd be 'a fine' lol

missxmurder1221 0

dumbass cop (not to offend other cops)


why would a comment get moderated?

immja 0

@52 let's see how he enjoys stereotypes

OhWowFYLindeed 0

Hah, I bet it was that same cop who gave the fine. x)

68: Uh, okay? 81: They get modded when a commentor breaks the posted rules, or does something not technically against the rules but dumb anyway. The big offenders are: calling fake, calling first/last/a number, mentioning a competing website, threadjacking, holding a conversation that ought to be taken to PMs, making offensive statements, and criticizing or insulting the mods or staff.

#68 yu shut the *** up lol jk cool but forreal that. was random lol


85-oh ok thnx for the heads up...oh and what Is a mods?


68-your comment should have been moderated lol

dheinzen2 1
hahaiseeyou 0

you can probably take that to court, but you would need to know the officers name

onelove222 0

the cops word against his ? : o

Maybe it was a two hour limit spot. It's ok to park but not for 3 hours

maybe it had a time limit. ydi for not knowing yourself

lizzilla8297 2
kathee_love 0

fyl, maybe you can try to fight it.

Trupe 3

Officers of the law, can't live em but you can sure live without them. (if you have your own little army that is)

Tasanasanta 0
Bubbelz 25

"You can't live with 'em" That shouldn't be hard to figure out yourself.

NikkJachim 0

You ****** up that phrase. Idiots who don't know how to ******* talk. You can't live with them, and you can definately live without them.

verymerry 6

calm down it was just a typo. shit.

117 - Oh my dear sweet baby corn on a cob! A TYPO?! The humanity! Someone, call the CIA, PLEASE! We have a TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR on our hands! /end sarcasm

twinsrback 0

that happened to me too at a college football game, it sucks indeed afterwards I found the cop and asked him he said "if it is questionable then it's probably illegal"...

LMAO. you don't ask cops thoese questions , they are only looking for money.

You do realize that cops get paid whether or not they write a ticket or not? It's not like they work off commision. Granted, I'm sure they could lose their job if they don't write tickets at all..but it's not like they'd have a hard time writing someone a ticket that actually deserves one, unlike OP. The cop they asked may have accidently answered incorrectly and another cop came along and wrote OP a ticket. People make mistakes. Not all cops are "bad guys" as most people seem to think.