That's a hard no from me, dawg
By soontobesingle - 19/03/2013 11:30 - United States - Chicago

By soontobesingle - 19/03/2013 11:30 - United States - Chicago
By HaedLei - 26/11/2013 12:17 - United States
By no way! - 29/08/2021 17:01
By grannygirlfriend - 06/12/2011 17:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/12/2009 08:17 - United States
By Anonymous - 11/10/2009 10:58 - United Kingdom
By not my bf anymore - 05/11/2015 21:15 - United States
By doggylove - 13/11/2015 03:57 - Canada - Winnipeg
By Alisha-_- - 23/11/2018 03:00
By Anonymous - 09/01/2022 22:59
By Blah - 02/08/2018 05:00
Who let the dogs out? I think we know now.
FYI it's NOT against the law in all places.
Bitches man...they always get in the way!
NOW you know why he likes doggy style soooo much. Lol.
1) he is probably a furry. 2) if that is his fetish and he takes it to more than just roleplay in to **********, not all states say its illegal. 3) folliowing 2, some states specify the weight limit of any animal in question if it is ********** that he enjoys 4) if it is merely the first and it is not your thing, then let him go. and maybe look up to learn that is it not all about sex like every single person here seems to make it out to be.
Woah, just because someone likes ********** has nothing to do with being a furry. We furries mostly look down on people who partake in **********, and we get very irritated when people automatically assume that ********** = furry. I appreciate the 4th comment about not judging it all on sexuality, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not equate ********** to being furry.
That would be why I made the comment to say it is not all about sex like some people think I did not mean to put furry=**********. I know first hand they are not the same seeing as I live in a furry household.
That's pretty disturbing.
i have a beast fetish but atleast i only dream about it
Looks like you're... Barking up the wrong tree.
Screw the puns, that is just sick.