That's more than I asked for

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while my teacher was helping me with a problem, the gum he was chewing fell from his mouth and down my shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 594
You deserved it 4 822

Top comments

txgirl2013 14

well he didnt reach and grab it did he?


hubla 0

did he ask for it back or did he write you up for having gum in class haha

Did he get it back and chew it? He would've practically have had your boobs in his mouth via transfer.

Pizzamaster 0

boobs do not transfer via chewing gum

skidoo800HO 2

I bet the teacher wishes it does....

enonymous 8

I think your grade just went up half a step on that move.

Sounds like a beginning for a Porno am I right?

Because it sounds more probable than gum falling down a guys shirt. Think about it.

Why're people assuming that OP's a girl? L

dylpikle 0

thts exactly what I thought. lmao. sound s like a good plot to me. teacher reaches for it and goes on from there

thrAsHeRr9081 16

Whatever happened to Mrs. Grinch?

jadenstigman 0

if Ur boobs were a little smaller it proly wudn't fall down Ur shirt gosh get breast reductions already!!! (totally sarcastic for the dull people out there)

Monikabug 9

I always found that if you had to explain the joke, that it wasn't funny. But here, to make you feel better: LOLOOLLOLOLOLOLL11!!1!1!1!!!1!!1!