That's more than I asked for

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while my teacher was helping me with a problem, the gum he was chewing fell from his mouth and down my shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 594
You deserved it 4 822

Top comments

txgirl2013 14

well he didnt reach and grab it did he?


marissakmnn 0

well why were you two that close for him to drop his gum in, yeh?

But at least your boobs now smell Spearmint Fresh! THAT'S good, right?

that's what happened when you dress like a ***** and show your cleavage to the world

seriouslyLifeSuc 0

Everyone who is speaking shit about cleavage and this person being a ***** just needs to shut the **** up! This person has feelings you know? They are upset about what happened already, don't make it worse!

bzett 0

Got caught in a sticky situation.