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By Anonymous - 07/05/2010 08:30 - United States

Today, I'm having a nice evening out on the town. After my complimentary round of drinks for my birthday, my friend walks in with a big pink gift-box. It was an inflatable... erm... 'friend.' Which then got unwrapped in front of several of my other friends. And several members of my family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 921
You deserved it 4 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

is he talking about a blow up doll? if so, that's hilarious :)

skyeyez9 24

Well, at least your friends love ya. Some fml's on here talk about friends not showing up at their b day party, stiffing them with a huge restaurant bill, or significant other dumping them at their own party.


is he talking about a blow up doll? if so, that's hilarious :)

supremes1997 0

wow that really funny if it was a blow up doll fyl op imagine his mothers face when he opened it lmfao

who ever your friend is, he is one funny son of a gun. he Is letting you know that if you ever need hook ups he's got them for you! your parents were probably laughing on the inside

you should of let him know how much you liked it by taking it to the bathroom.

in soviet russia, doll unwraps you!

MichieBabiie 0

What's the point of a blow up doll, so pointless.

I agree with 1. OP needs to lighten up

I was thinking inflatable penis. But maybe that's just a callback to the BBC The Office.

#30, stfu, you ass! #17, that was quite funny! Soviet Russia jokes own! :)

hahahahaha thats what im planning on doing to a friend of mine! thats hilarious

^ I seriously doubt it was a doll. I'm sure they'd both have more fun with it, though...

There really needs to be a "so what?" button. It was obviously a joke...

I find this quite funny. Maybe yr friend was just trying to send you a subtle hint..;)

Reminds me of a gift I got a chick a few years ago. she went down on her guy and came up too soon and his load got in her eye. Her eye was really red for a few days so for her bday I got her goggles. everyone laughed... except her...

i seriously think this should be taken as a joke. it's funny. it's your birthday. get over it? hope you had fun ;)

supremes1997 0

how?! Her friend gave it to her as a gift. It don't say if she asked for it. Think before you post

skyeyez9 24

Well, at least your friends love ya. Some fml's on here talk about friends not showing up at their b day party, stiffing them with a huge restaurant bill, or significant other dumping them at their own party.

I gave my one of my closest friends a blowup doll as a joke for his birthday, turns out he's a ungrateful bitch,fml. ydi.

Haha that's hilarious! at least they didn't give you any lube or condoms to go with it! :D

IchbinSyn 0

You will never be dateless again funny gift

Lame. He should have connected it to a CO2 inflater and had it bust out of a cake.

nastynate1376 0

ooo I might have to steal this idea...

IchbinSyn 0

Could have at least waited until everyone left before using it dumbass.....

Is this related to the balloon phobia FML?

w00ble 0
youthink_fml 0

Get a sense of humor and learn to laugh.