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The doctor will see you… soon

By Anonymous - 09/06/2022 10:00

Today, I spent several hours sitting in the ER hyperventilating from pain and passing out, due to a herniated disc in my back. I had to watch at least 5 people go ahead of me, whose only complaints was that their stomach hurt or they felt nauseous. One of these people had a bag of snacks with them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 951
You deserved it 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vg 4

this is stupid. at least where I'm from people are taken in after a prioritized list based on severity. You have no idea what those other people where in for. I once came in and had absolutely no visible damage, and only a headache. Was taken in immidiatly cause the circumstances told it could be cerebral hemorrhage, which may have me dead within minutes if that were the case. Stop being petty.

Sounds like you are suffering from either blackness of the skin, obesity, being-a-woman, or two or three of the above.


You're jealous that you didn't bring a bag of snacks. You could hyperventilate into that bag and get back to normal breathing. Obviously, the triage decided you were a melodramatic crybaby and made you wait your turn.

vg 4

this is stupid. at least where I'm from people are taken in after a prioritized list based on severity. You have no idea what those other people where in for. I once came in and had absolutely no visible damage, and only a headache. Was taken in immidiatly cause the circumstances told it could be cerebral hemorrhage, which may have me dead within minutes if that were the case. Stop being petty.

Sounds like you are suffering from either blackness of the skin, obesity, being-a-woman, or two or three of the above.

Suaria 38

Stomach hurting could be a sign of appendicitis which is pretty serious if the person has it. So these could be signs of serious issues happening and you never know.