The gays

By kolgate - 15/02/2012 10:12 - United States

Today, I called my grandmother to wish her a happy Valentine's Day. She asked me if I had a date lined up. I didn't, and before I could explain why, she responded with, "Well, maybe all the other gays went on vacation!" Thanks Grandma, I'm not gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 698
You deserved it 3 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Imdead 0

Nice, I know how you feel. I'm 22 and single, so my grandmother is certain that I'm gay. I think it's kind of funny actually.

yea but guys and he's a guy so it still implies gay


Cheesegrater 0

All u sympathetic people drive me nuts get over it she will soon be in the nut house for elders

TrollsHaveSouls 0
juybuygo 13

you just got gramma burned! nobody knows when it's coming, but when it does it is epic.

Yikes. If she's anything like my grandma she's probably just kidding. You know how the elderly can be. Just keep your chin up. She most likely is just being a funny old person.

I'll never understand why being single for too long makes people think someone's gay. Losers come in all sexualities lol.