The giggle loop

By Smiley - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Aruba - Oranjestad

Today, as always, I tend to smile and giggle when I'm nervous. I couldn't stop it from happening at my friend's grandmother's funeral. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 521
You deserved it 3 778

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It's things like this that make me realize that my anxiety could be a lot, lot worse.

I killed several bacteria today, I couldn't stop laughing


It's things like this that make me realize that my anxiety could be a lot, lot worse.

It could've been worse. I mean at least you weren't laughing hysterically while making rude gestures at everyone.

You're not wrong, but almost anything can always be worse, if you think about it. So I think I'll just accept that what happened to OP really sucked and leave it at that. I mean, if I accidentally chop off my finger in the kitchen, you can say "at least you didn't chop off your hand!" But that won't make it hurt any less, so I guess that's why I regard that phrase as silly.

I accidentally closed the car window on my daughters finger today and couldn't stop giggling either. Nerves are assholes!

I killed several bacteria today, I couldn't stop laughing

mds9986 24

You psychopath!! Bacteria have feelings too :(

You gotta lock that shit up... Deep breaths, or Xanax or something.

now isn't it ironic that we are now smiling and giggling at your FML ?

What makes you think this FML is funny? It's sad.

Emiweb 9

Not the greatest reaction to nerves, but could be worse. You could have Tourettes.

You are not alone. I laugh and giggle when I'm nervous and our principle asked for silence and I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing. You're not alone, OP.

ChadHelton 8

I have the same problem. sucks dude.

Aww, that sucks. It's not your fault. I'm sorry about your grandma. :(

Oops. Sorry about that. Didn't see the word "friends grandmothers." Forget the last sentence... This is awkward. ._.

ChadHelton 8

you're a decent person offering condolences. don't feel awkward.

ChadHelton 8

skycop_s you're being a decent person offering condolences to a stranger. nothing to feel awkward about.