The giggle loop

By Smiley - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Aruba - Oranjestad

Today, as always, I tend to smile and giggle when I'm nervous. I couldn't stop it from happening at my friend's grandmother's funeral. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 521
You deserved it 3 778

Top comments

It's things like this that make me realize that my anxiety could be a lot, lot worse.

I killed several bacteria today, I couldn't stop laughing


I agree, bad time for that to come up. However, this is pretty common. From what I remember, one theory behind smiles and laughter in humans is that they're a response to stress to try and convince whoever is stressing us out to leave us alone. It's also why blooper reels show actors randomly crack up during a rather serious scene.

What were you nervous of? The dead rising?

moocowmilk0 19

Meh, just explain it to them, if they are your friend, they'll understand.

Take drama classes, its fun and its like shock therapy for nerves

I did the same thing at my husband's grandfather's funeral. I felt like such an ass.

Hopefully the family understands that you did not purposely laugh, and that it was uncontrollable. Happy New Years Though OP!, hopefully their reaction was not as harsh as I'm imagining it was.