The giggle loop

By Smiley - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Aruba - Oranjestad

Today, as always, I tend to smile and giggle when I'm nervous. I couldn't stop it from happening at my friend's grandmother's funeral. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 521
You deserved it 3 778

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It's things like this that make me realize that my anxiety could be a lot, lot worse.

I killed several bacteria today, I couldn't stop laughing


You said "if they are your friend." Who were you referring to?

Same thing happened to me when I was getting a blood test! Nurse thought I was crazy haha

Today you always nervously giggle and laugh? What do you do other days?

I'm sure you're not an utter retard, so I assume, once you felt the giggles coming, you politely excused yourself until you were under control.