The impending sense of doom

By Awake - 23/12/2022 21:00

Today, I've known for a long time that I generally only wake up at ungodly hours in the night when something is wrong with me. Since last week, I've been doing this pretty much every night. Only now, I can't figure out what's wrong. Consequently, my anxiety is now keeping me awake too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 813
You deserved it 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It’s not uncommon to wake in the middle of the night. I have read that back before electric lighting, TV and radio, it was common for people to go to bed relatively early in the winter and then wake and do quiet things in the middle of the night before going back to sleep… I frequently wake in the middle of the night myself - It means nothing in itself. I usually go to the bathroom and have a little walk around the house (it helps my legs and feet) and then go back to bed… You are just making yourself crazy obsessing over this. Just accept it and roll with it, if possible. It doesn’t usually mean anything serious.

tiptoppc 19

Bipolar episodes can cause this. As we are in a brutal time of year, financially, physically and emotionally, this is expected and likely a reason considering anxiety. It sucks. Try melatonin as it helps relax you. For the first time as long as i can remember, this is now my first time I haven’t struggled with crippling depression during winter/holidays. It feels unnatural, but I’ve resolved many medical issues and got an early start on treatment for depression, but before, this was the case with me. Depression messes everything up including quality of sleep.


It’s not uncommon to wake in the middle of the night. I have read that back before electric lighting, TV and radio, it was common for people to go to bed relatively early in the winter and then wake and do quiet things in the middle of the night before going back to sleep… I frequently wake in the middle of the night myself - It means nothing in itself. I usually go to the bathroom and have a little walk around the house (it helps my legs and feet) and then go back to bed… You are just making yourself crazy obsessing over this. Just accept it and roll with it, if possible. It doesn’t usually mean anything serious.

Nikki 17

That was a nice mansplain but clearly OP said they know they only wake up in the middle of the night because something is wrong, so it was totally unnecessary.

tiptoppc 19

Bipolar episodes can cause this. As we are in a brutal time of year, financially, physically and emotionally, this is expected and likely a reason considering anxiety. It sucks. Try melatonin as it helps relax you. For the first time as long as i can remember, this is now my first time I haven’t struggled with crippling depression during winter/holidays. It feels unnatural, but I’ve resolved many medical issues and got an early start on treatment for depression, but before, this was the case with me. Depression messes everything up including quality of sleep.

Could it be caused by a dream? I’ve woken up in the night with an impending sense of doom only to realize that it was due to a disturbing dream. Took a day to shake off the feeling.