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By Enrique - 07/02/2010 01:19 - United States

Today, I work at McDonalds. I burned my hand while cleaning their grill and have a 2nd/3rd degree burn from my pinky to my wrist. When told about this, my manager told me that there was "nothing that they could do for me and to tough it out". However I was given a free McFlurry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 016
You deserved it 5 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PLEASE write down in detail what happened and everything he said to you . The sooner the better; the fresher it is in your mind, the more you will remember. Save all written materials, receipts for medical care and medication, including over-the-counter drugs. Take pictures of your injury, if you haven't already and make sure it is dated somehow. Take another picture every few days and date it. Write down all the effects of your injury, particularly things that you can't do because of it. If you do call HR, write down everything you told them and everything they told you. They may advise you to file a Worker's Compensation claim. It would be very good to talk to a lawyer before do this or sign any type of agreement with the company. Get better quickly and as soon as you are well, find a lawyer. If you're underage, have your parents seek out an attorney for you. You might very well qualify for your county's Legal Aid which will be free or absolutely no more than you can afford. But don't let this pass. It's not right, and it's my strong belief that you are entitled to damages. If that manager gets away with treating you like this, he will do it to more employees. This is what civil law is for, IMO. (I work in the legal field, BTW.)

greg1234567890_fml 2

right after i read the first sentence i knew it was FYL


Averizzle 0

Wth they gave you a free McFlurry? Dude ydi for being an ungrateful female dog. McFlurrys are like 3 bucks now holy shit

AngryNinja 1

~snort~ female dog? is this fifth grade? how the hell is she ungrateful? SHE FRIED HER HAND. op needs a mug that says 'i fried my hand and all I got was a lousy mcflurry'. op, you should quit. that's total bullshit. or you shouldve walked out. either way. what are you onna do, stick your hand in the flurry? or eat it with the crispy hand?

Lancerman7449 0

take the stick outta your ass ~snort~ #14. you sound really stuck up

actually mc ds is liable.. they need to pay up

RyanZhang22 1

hey#3, op doesn't need a mug, they need a tshirt. mugs r for ******. u know it's true. dont deny it. and btw, op I feel ur pain. the same thing happened to me.

AngryNinja 1

26, tips on getting the stick out of my ass? you sound like a pro. mug, t-shirt, whatever works.

ur life sucks...but only cause you work at mcDonalds.

what kind of mcflurry??! I like the cookies and cream kind

twatwaffles 0

shoulda got a 10 piece nugget.... so unlucky

num10 shut the **** up have you ever revived a 2nd or 3rd degree burn!!! I disentangle think so. It hurts !!!

89 (me) BAD auto spell I meant to say didn't think so not distangle or what ever

shut up, it was the OP's fault. You cant sue or seek compensation for something you did, on your own, by accident.

"today I work at mcdonalds" not a FML or a YDI more like a FAILURE

wowthatshorrible_fml 0
cbroxs17 0

#109 it's not YDI for working at Mcdonalds, some people really need the money.

100, I think OP can sue. I believe they have to pay for medical bills and compensation for a work related accident. Providing OP did not do it on purpose and there was an injury, they would have to pay the medical fees or find some lotion or something. But all they did was give OP a McFlurry, so I'm pretty sure that (s)he can sue.

That's probably not true (46). It's an occupational hazard.

um people, the OP is suppose to wear safty equipment while cleaning the grill (including heat resistant gloves) so this was the OPs fault technically if they decided not too...

greg1234567890_fml 2

right after i read the first sentence i knew it was FYL

I think it should of just said "Today, I work at McDonalds. FML."

More of an 'my life is average' if you ask me.

PLEASE write down in detail what happened and everything he said to you . The sooner the better; the fresher it is in your mind, the more you will remember. Save all written materials, receipts for medical care and medication, including over-the-counter drugs. Take pictures of your injury, if you haven't already and make sure it is dated somehow. Take another picture every few days and date it. Write down all the effects of your injury, particularly things that you can't do because of it. If you do call HR, write down everything you told them and everything they told you. They may advise you to file a Worker's Compensation claim. It would be very good to talk to a lawyer before do this or sign any type of agreement with the company. Get better quickly and as soon as you are well, find a lawyer. If you're underage, have your parents seek out an attorney for you. You might very well qualify for your county's Legal Aid which will be free or absolutely no more than you can afford. But don't let this pass. It's not right, and it's my strong belief that you are entitled to damages. If that manager gets away with treating you like this, he will do it to more employees. This is what civil law is for, IMO. (I work in the legal field, BTW.)

Wasn't it the OP's fault, though? It's not like the manager shoved his hand into the grill.

Oh wait, I get it now. Manager wasn't letting him leave.

Wow look at how much space the person took up. What a tool.

This. Your manager is a tool. Sue his ass.

Regardless of who's at fault (presumably the OP's clumsiness, or the employer's failure to prevent), the employer is required in most countries (including where I come from - Australia) to have a decent First Aid station, even if it's just a chair and a First Aid Kit, which is capable of treating things like burns. The employer/manager at this particular chain is obviously a jerk, and presumably is either an arrogant boss, or someone who doesn't give a crap if he loses half his employees because he reckons he's so good he could replace them the next day (which is partially true, and that's why Macca's is scary).

did you type all of that on your iPhone/iPod? O.o

I totally agree, sue! although I would seek counsel NOW, while you keep notes, pics, etc. What happened to you is not legal. I'm about to graduate from Tulane Law school in New Orleans.

Yeah right, fake much? It's called an incident report, which forces them to send you to a doctor.

rjdr 7

I wouldn't say it's fake but the op did probably over exaggerate. at my store we are only required to send them to the doctors if it's a serious injury such as a broken bone or deep cuts, if it's a mild burn (which I assume this was and was overexaggerated) then the store will generally have burn aid and bandaging in stock. the incident reports we have do suggest that you give the crew member a free meal though.

Also, anyone who assumes that all managers are actually legitimate enough to write the incident report has way too much faith in humanity. Some places I've worked give bonuses to managers who keep incident counts down, and some managers will do anything for that bonus, even at the detriment of their employees.

olivejuice001 0

And they're especially prone to trying to buck the system when they have a minor who isn't apt to be aware of the procedure they are supposed to be following. This incident, even if it is a simple burn, should have been documented. After all, it doesn't take much of an injury to lead to an infection that worsens things dramatically.

shibainu519 0

a third degree burn is very serious, potentially fatal. I would definitely get medical attention.

dropxdeadxgeneva 0

Not fake, this has happened to many people before.

suck it up poor children in africa probably don't even know what ice cream is

AngryNinja 1

what do kids in Africa have to do with a bitchass manager not doing anything for a worker with a fried hand...????? seriously. -_-

Phinehas 0

Niggers deserve their plight for being so lazy, stupid, and violent.

That's too bad for Africa, but this is America, dumbass.

poor children in Africa? that's origanal. NOT! I bet you don't even care about them. if you did you would have made a donation insted of buying a computer. what about kids in China? or even gosh darn america?!!! BTW they don't have grease fires to burn themselves!!!! ever thought of that?!!!

Good one! I used that one all the time when I was 10 too!

aderosa 0

mcflurry would have made me all better :)

Same thing happened to my sister at A&W she got a 2nd/3rd degree burn, and the manager didnt let her go home, she had to work her hours, she didnt get a free meal or nothing.

Did she contact higher authorities? The manager has to have some sort of first aid to help your sister. If she didn't make an effort to correct what her manager did, it could lead to others going through the same situation.