The nickname that sticks

By ap84 - 27/02/2009 21:47 - United States

Today, after soccer practice, I was walking to the car with my dad. My teammates waved and said "BYE POTHEAD!" They call me that because they think my head is shaped like a pot. Of course, my dad didn't believe me. I'm grounded now because I have an abnormally-shaped head. I've never smoked pot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 83 850
You deserved it 5 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What an unreasonable and irrational father.

Tell your Dad he's a fool and that you'll take a drug test to prove him wrong.. Hope it all works out, Pothead


sweettpie129 11

Good for you for not smoking pot and being dumb!

broken_red_wagon 6

I didn't know it was possible for a head to be shaped like a pot :O But anyways, several of my friends called me Miss Fabulous Pothead Solider in reference to Team Fortress 2... So i think op could make it okay

Wait so your teammates thought that nicknaming you pothead was a good idea?

Why doesn't he just test you for drugs?