The pleasure, the pain

By BadBribe - 24/06/2009 19:15 - United States

Today, my girlfriend decided to bribe me to be good since we were going out to dinner with her parents by giving me a blowjob. The good news: it was one of the best she had ever given. The bad news: I came on her black dress. She responded by hitting in me in the nuts. Hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 180
You deserved it 30 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She was the one who wanted to bribe you. WTF is her problem?


Couldn't be 'that' good if you didn't stay in her mouth.

She should have just swallowed... then you wouldn't have gotten a punch in the sack.

teebonehead 0

I agree , just swallow , no clean up that way !

lol. Unless she knew from past experiences that his **** tasted like

swallowed it once. taste like CRAP.

lendmeyourteeth 0

lollll her fault for wearing a nice job while blowing you your gfs stupid

bortzy93 0

hahhahah oh man that sucks. you shoulda never told her you were about to cum and just done it in her mouth lol.

ABbaby 10

lmfao!! took the words right out of my head

why did she have to bribe you in the first place? If you were a nice guy, you would have sucked it up and gone and behaved. Then maybe you would have been rewarded afterward. When she didn't have to worry about how her dress looked.

Couldn't have ever said it better. if you really liked and respected wouldn't need to be bribed.

shirvon100 0

he didnt ask for the bribe it was given to him and he took it, she should have thought of the cosequences.

typically, bribes are to encourage something that would not normally happen. She would not have offered if she though that he would have behaved appropriately on his own.

If he were a nice guy, he wouldn't have gotten a "free" *******. No, but honestly, you must really be a dick to need to be bribed to be nice around her parents. Or whatever the situation was. None of us technically know what that part of the situation was, so we can't actually comment. She still should've swallowed. Problem solved.

usnwife 18

When I bribe my kids its always "if you behave at the store you can have a cookie when we get home" not "here's a cookie, now be good" once they have the reward what's the point of behaving? So I say its her fault - both because a) if he's enough of an asshole to need bribing to behave why the hell does she give him ******** in the first place, and b) if you're gonna bribe someone do it right!

i would have punched that bitch in the face lol (im a girl but that was her fault and u dont go punching dudes in the nuts)

#22 - this guy says "you are awesome" :-D

She should have swallowed. She shouldn't have had her dress in the line of fire, and she definitely shouldn't have punched you in the nuts. Do you really need an unreasonable bitch in your life?

Her fault for not protecting the dress by swallowing! You ought to make her lick your balls until the bruising goes down.