The pleasure, the pain

By BadBribe - 24/06/2009 19:15 - United States

Today, my girlfriend decided to bribe me to be good since we were going out to dinner with her parents by giving me a blowjob. The good news: it was one of the best she had ever given. The bad news: I came on her black dress. She responded by hitting in me in the nuts. Hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 180
You deserved it 30 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She was the one who wanted to bribe you. WTF is her problem?


thisishilarious 0

her fault, give her this policy: swallow or it goes in your eye

waterynuggets 0

I didn't know Bill Clinton submitted to FML!

ohhhhshizzz 0

Girls taste better than guys. It's an expierment my friend did, she went down on 5 different guys and 5 different girls and girls tasted better. Guys taste disgusting, get a better diet or swallow your own cum and then be able to keep a straight face.

Bloodrush 0

your friend is a dirty filthy *****....

jnic 0

ha. this is so ******* true. when a guy wants a girl to swallow a huge load of cum happily but then he complains about licking a clit with a thin layer of wetness, he needs to be kicked in the balls.

Caddy23 0

Thats pretty rough. I wouldn't hit my man in the balls for that. She needs to practice her catching skills lol

fakkumairaifu 14

Jesus, how old are you two?


@#141, i'm pretty sure your friend contracted some kind of disease by doing that =.=......

well, i wonder if her parent's liked her new white dress? :P

doof_fisch 2

If she's fat, you can suggest she keep her dress for Halloween and dress up as a sperm whale.

laurisshnazzy 0

Hmm. I'm torn. On one hand, if you need to be bribed to behave for her parents, you're a sick **** and deserved a hit in the nuts more than a *******. However, your girlfriend is clearly an idiot. While performing oral sex on a dude, it's highly likely that she has her hands on your shaft and can direct its movement, thus avoiding aiming at her dress. And she shouldn't have worn something that nice anyway while doing that. And she should have swallowed... that's coming from a chick, too. I just don't see the big deal about swallowing or not swallowing. You both deserve it.

rachelbrianna25 0

yeah you should have just cum in her mouth. lol. i mean she is doing it anyway, she might as well finish you all off. = )