The price of sin

By Anonymous - 30/05/2016 16:35 - United States - Houston

Today, my girlfriend and I decided to have some alone time under the stars. Things were getting hot and heavy in my truck bed and clothes went everywhere. After getting dressed, I felt pain. Little did I know that I threw my underwear in an ant pile. I got bit down south, a lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 802
You deserved it 3 866

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Roskosity 22

Ouch! Bad luck. But why in a truck bed? That sounds uncomfortable.


Why was there an ant nest in your truck? or did you ditch it overboard? and if so, why???

Lol there goes your sex . Always something gotta be in the way, right? But then again, it couldve been bad? So the ants helped you!?

TheyCallMeDamien 17

tried to be a porno so bad then reality set in