The reviews are in

By Anonymous - 30/08/2011 20:56 - United States

Today, I went to a movie and a dinner with a girl. During dinner, she excused herself to go to the bathroom, so I checked my social media feeds while waiting for her to return. She'd posted on her Twitter "Worst. Ever." I thought it was going well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 652
You deserved it 3 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either young ladies' standards are getting too high, or they themselves are becoming too shallow.


Perhaps she had an upset stomach, thus ruining her date with you, and in turn causing her to state that it was the worst ever. Not because of you, OP, but due to her untimely bowel circumstance.

To the young lady: how about doing something yourself to secure a good date - like joining in on what you guys are doing, so both will have fun, instead of being an asshole on Twitter?

I would've tweeted " jesus my date must be pinching the Titanic of ***** that wont flush because she's been in there for 20 minutes. Worst date ever.