The reviews are in

By Anonymous - 30/08/2011 20:56 - United States

Today, I went to a movie and a dinner with a girl. During dinner, she excused herself to go to the bathroom, so I checked my social media feeds while waiting for her to return. She'd posted on her Twitter "Worst. Ever." I thought it was going well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 652
You deserved it 3 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either young ladies' standards are getting too high, or they themselves are becoming too shallow.


MonkeyGirl17844 0

Wow... That really sucks... I'm sorry for you

austinwyke 2

If it actually read "Worst. Ever", it could mean 'worst period ever'. Maybe she was so upset about it because she wanted some first-date action

GetPuckedUp 3

tweet and say "on a date with some ugly chic, cant wait til its over"

Was it really necessary to Tweet while she was in the bathroom? About a date that wasn't even over yet? Is pissing that boring that she needed to get on the phone and let everyone know about her night? People are getting really carried away with the Facebook and Twitter shit. Used to be tacky to use your phone in the crapper, now I see more people carrying them in than a newspaper.

I would have been very tempted to just leave and stick her with the check followed by my own tweet "She couldn't wait for end of date, I couldn't wait to leave"

Worst ever? Some people have led such sheltered lives. Was she filmed by some game cam giving head in a driveway? Did she end up duct taped to a ceiling with her face covered in clown paint? No, probably he just doesn't know her favourite ice cream flavour.

Maybe she was taking a dump? Constipation or diarrhoea can be a bitch.

trskln 1

Perhaps she was simply referring to her bowel movement....