The truth

By Theaccident - 22/01/2011 10:03 - Australia

Today, my mum told me how I was only here because my dad couldn't pull out in time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 052
You deserved it 3 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sourgirl101 28

Many children are unexpected but what is unexpected and unacceptable is for a mother to say such things. What child wants to hear that the "only" reason they are here is because daddy forgot to pull out? It may be true but not something a loving mother should ever say to their child. Ever!

Actually if he did then FYL, as a sperm that is.


sithspaz 9

dude my parents told me that my older sister and i were the results of failled protected sex

so, I'm here because my mom was raped... do you see me makin' posts?

chasity_27 2

hey... shit happens. what else is there to say...*shrugs*

We now know your mother is at least iridescent with misery over having to ossify her life to take care of you.

you beat me to it 'the accident' my folks have said that to me too. must be a melbourne parent thing hey

sarah17xx_fml 10

How sad..Your sole existence in this world is due to an accidental sperm leakage.

Not because he did not pull out but because he did. how do grownup people still beleave in pulling out as a contraceptive??? even when it obviosly has failed? some people are so dumb!

Jack_4194 1

So you were an unplanned pregnancy. It doesn't mean you weren't loved. If this bothers you then you're very immature.

Don't feel bad OP I'm an accident too!