The Voice

By NotChadKrouger - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I was auditioning for a talent show. I asked my girlfriend if I could sing to her before I went. She said sure. Thirty seconds in, she got up and mumbled, "You're only going to embarrass yourself." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 742
You deserved it 15 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments


cptmorgan15 2

Stick it in her ass then go sing your balls off. Bitch didn't even tell you you suck, she mumbled it.

You can solve this by shoving a stick down her throat till she gags. That'll show her... or you can substitute the stick with your penis

Lizza330 28

That sounds a bit like rape.

Agree with Lizza. I think you were trying to be funny, but you failed. Big time.

if my gf told me that i wouldnt see anything wrong...

It's good she's honest but she didn't have to act like a bitch. I'm a professional singer & would be gutted if my boyfriend (not that I have one - lmao - said that to me) Dump the slag! lol

WTF are you trying to say? Don't beat around the bush... Oh, and FYI...Idh a bf because I CHOOSE TOO...big difference. Wait...why am I bothering? Waste of my time...lmao

Next time don't pick the penis song. Unless doing a duet.

Razzle_McDazzle 0

"To be a man you must have honor and a peeeeeeenis!" ~Shin Chan~

What a bitch...but at least she's an honest bitch, you don't see that enough these days.

at least she's tellin the truth ! she could've told you that you were awesome, then you got up there and sucked !:)

Look at the bright side at least you're not writing fml that says you went to sing in front of a crowd because your girlfriend told you that you sing good and that she lied about you singing good.

Gaahhh! >.< Have you ever heard about something called punctuation? It's pretty handy when you want to write a coherent sentence. Try it.

Yeah sorry. It was my sister. She has embarrassing pictures of me. So I can't really tell her anything. If I do she will post them :(

bbyface 0

the ***** it matter to you for?

Haha, that sucks! Yeah I've read your comments before so I thought it was weird because you usually use proper grammar/spelling :p