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Thirfty and frugal

By BasicallySodaFlavoredWater - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, my parents decided that the best way to save money was to dilute everything we drank with water. Only one more year of watered down soda and juice to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 395
You deserved it 2 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should just stick with water and not have watered down anything. Why torture yourself? Water is great on it's own. Unless you hate water...

why spend the money on soda and juice in the first place, why not stick with water if it'll taste like it anyway?


I'd say this was a ****-your-parents'-lives. Hope things get better for you all soon, OP.

I would agree... during any lack of money we cut out soda, went powdered juice, IF any. I get watering it down isn't so good... but it is clearly better than nothing if OP if drinking it

Water down their alcohol and see how they do.

How do you know they drink alcohol? Lots of people don't.

It's common for adult figures to drink or at the most have alcohol within a household.

I did this when I was unemployed. You get used to it and it's a small yet effective way to save money. Juice isn't cheap.

It also isn't really necessary. I cut out juice and fizzy drinks to cut down on sugar and I don't really miss them.

Steve97 32

Can't you just buy Tang and powdered milk if you want to save money on drinks? They'll taste almost the same without being watered down and its cheaper.

There is no need for juice. All it is is sugar. Something like 40g or so in orange juice. Just get a mio.

I do this all the time because I don't like my drinks that sweet. I water down juice with tap water and sodas with carbonated water.

Why not just save even more money, and drink your spit? Hell, go a step further and just steal from your neighbors. They don't have watered down soda.

Why not take it a step further while they're at it? Stock up on some ramen and chocolate milk. When in doubt and your bank's in a drought, take the college route.

@52 Of course! Who doesn't want to drink their neighbor's saliva instead of the mainstream drinks everyone else drinks? Whatever it takes to save a couple pennies, right?

Try maybe suggesting other ways they could save money? Doing some research on what their biggest expenses are and how to save money on them could help. Also, maybe just avoiding buying sodas altogether since (I presume) they're not necessary? Families can save on plenty of money simply by being more conscientious on their habits and etc. It could help. Hope things get better for you all.

Or try your hand at babysitting or another after-school job.

Maybe you should just stick with water and not have watered down anything. Why torture yourself? Water is great on it's own. Unless you hate water...

Best advice! And if pure water is a problem because you don't like it, it's very easy to flavor the water, rather than watering down the soda and juices. Have you ever tried a slice of cucumber or lemon in a jug of water? It's completely different than just flat tap water.

Or make some ice tea with water. Even better.

why spend the money on soda and juice in the first place, why not stick with water if it'll taste like it anyway?

Or they could just have you drink water only?

CSU_Dynasty 8

It's payback when you drink their whiskey and replace it with water!

would not work whiskey has color.. might pull it off if it was vodka but always leave a shot worth in the bottle to keep the alcohol scent

If op still lives at home more than likely hes under 21. So no that would be illegal.

At my house we've always put water in our juice. We've always been told to because our parents said juice has too much sugar. Now I can't drink most juices without water, it just tastes weird, but I never had to dilute my soda. I was just only allowed to drink one per week